Anyone Had Any Luck?

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:47 am


Has anyone had any luck returning the game to Walmart?

The game has gotten worse since the new update, and im just sick of Bethesda and their half assed approach to the PS3.

I have all these games yet to play or finish.

Uncharted 2 & 3
Demons Souls
The Saboteur
LA Noire
Just Cause 2
Final Fantasy 13
Heavy Rain
Red Dead Redemption (played this and love it)
Assasins Creed 2 & 3
Fifa 12

I do also have the Fallout Games and Oblivion games, but they are also messed up like Skyrim (go figure), and have never been patched up to a working game for me. So screw this game. I just cannot put any more of my valuable time into something which will never get fixed. The past Fallout Seried and Oblivion tells me this. New game engine??, load of [censored] that was.

And now the kicker for me is that the graphics/textures in Skyrim have took a dump since installing this patch. Most likely Bethesda wont acknowledge this, and i really pity those who get this for Xmas. Whats weird is that before the patch it looked great, and ran smoothly. Just had a few stutters here and there with the game and audio. But now since the patch it looks noticabely worse and the stutters are still there. I believe there is no way i can uninstall the patch, so i guess this is just the icing on the cake for me.

Shame, as i was enjoying the game, but the more i play this, the more i feel im being ass [censored] by Bethesda.

Thanks for the ride Bethesda. Hope you guys can sleep at night knowing the [censored] you sold us.

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Suzy Santana
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