Anyone have any tips to level Conjuration?

Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:05 am

I'm trying to find a fun, easy way to level up Conjuration to at least 70 but I'm having a hard time getting above 38 for some reason. Do you have to be in battle for conjuration to build? Does every hit with a conjured weapon go toward a weapon skill or to Conjuration? I'm looking for something relatively swift as well; getting frustrated with my Fire Atronach barely doing anything.

I'm level 29 (halfway to 30) and my build is basically:

Conjuration only has the first perk in it
Destruction has Novice and Apprentice perks at half cost
Illusion only has four perks in it, last being the one where I can cast silently
Two-Handed has Champion's Stance and Barbarian (2/5) perks
One-Handed has one perk (for a little extra kick for daggers)
Archery only has two; Overdrawn (2/5)
Sneak uses up the rest of the perks, being almost full.

I have a few more left over that I'm going to put into Conjuration.
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