My character is level 40 and is close to earning her first 100 skill in alchemy. She needs to talk to Jarl Balgruf about what to do about that dragon that destroyed the tower ( the battle where Irileth assists you ). I've been meaning to get around to the MQ, but kept getting sidetracked, and it's just been a fun challenge for me to get powerful and put all the eggs in one alchemy basket. My character can't stop making money because there are not enough shops to buy those 1k potions she's been experimenting on. Anyone out there like this? What have you accomplished while ignoring Skyrim's troubles?
I've only gone about a quarter to a third of the way into the main quest line. I plan on advancing it very slowly and having as much content completed as possible before I finish the main story.
Ive killed the dragon in the main quest but that is it, Blacksmithing is too much fun, getting ingots and stuff, only level 16, but i have full dwarven and nearlly full orcish, real real fun
i have done about 30 main story line quests i wish i didnt since i would of liked to talk it slow and enjoy it but that what im going to do now get my blacksmithing up and get leveled up with some nice armor and just continue to do the side quests
Finished the main quest last night at lvl 31 and feel kind of relieved it`s out the way. Now my main character can continue with his adventures in Skyrim without hopefully wading through Dragons every 5 minutes. The frequency of encounters with them was just getting ridiculous to be honest
Finished the main quest last night at lvl 31 and feel kind of relieved it`s out the way. Now my main character can continue with his adventures in Skyrim without hopefully wading through Dragons every 5 minutes. The frequency of encounters with them was just getting ridiculous to be honest
Wait what??
No more dragons if you finnish the main quest?? if so, i wont finnish it till the very last.. .. Love me my dragons.. LOL
my first character i did that.... i regreted it and started a second character.. and trying to use equal skills of every type so my character does not become op .. going to bow then to double weilding swords then to magic end it with a swing of a two handed axe..more fun to mix things up...
I think I was about 20 hours in before I killed my first Dragon. I was not really interested in the main quest until then as the huge map was too inviting.