So if everyone plays exactly like you it is ok, but if people try to raise their crafting up - that is somehow exploiting, abusing the system, or playing the game incorrectly? The problem is that players must go out of their way to avoid creating items that outmatch your enemies greatly. This is without cheating or looping alchemy pots. Just standard stuff in the game. Crafting Iron Daggers to level your skill is not "abusing the system" it is common sense. That however isn't really my complaint. My complaint is the fact that the difficulty in this game is a joke and players seeking any sort of challenge must create arbitrary rulesets to play with when the game should have a slider giving the player the ability to control the scaling of enemies, so that if you want a greater challenge, you can up the level off-set of enemies (for example enemies that scale with your level could scale to be 10 levels higher than you always if you chose - or less if you get stuck). That is a completely legitimate gripe. The "Master/Adept" difficulty settings do not seem to do a whole lot. It is kind of like how in some games a hardcoe mode adds "food consumption" to the equation instead of increasing the amount of mobs, their stats (and possibly AI), the arsenal of spells/skills they use, etc. I really am not quite sure if you guys are getting what is wrong with the game and how the implementation of a system like this will do absolutely nothing to limit your gameplay, only give you more options...
No, the problem is that by leaving the game as open to possibility as they were capable of, Bethesda left it possible for people to go out of their way to ruin their own gaming experience.
The enemy scaling system would be nice, but when you have people going out of their way to create 6000+ hp damage weapon/attack combos rather than playing the game in a systematically realistic/immersive fashion, it won't matter how much you scale up the enemies. I'd like to see bears weaker and dragons stronger. I'd like to see enchantments scaled more to what you will be facing. All I'm saying is, on a straight play-through, with no boosting of stats or intentional [censored], the game moves at the same pace as the player. As soon as you decide to boost/spam a stat or perk tree, YOU have decided to make the game less realistic/too easy on your own.