Anyone hoping Bethesda Nerfs Enchanting & Smithing....

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:22 am

Why would they nerf it? It's only OP if you, the player, decide to abuse it and make it OP. it isn't a balancing issue or a game issue because YOU spam iron daggers.
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James Baldwin
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:32 am

They Just needed to keep degradation and fix it. Have repair require the same materials as the armor, or upgrades. Have weapons and armor degrade back to basic. vanilla stats. Not actually break. That would "balance" smithing. Enchanting is only really exploitable when you start making suits and potions to up it. Otherwise, only having two effects, from an already limited effects list (no shield enchant?) is far from OPed. Especially since there's less enchant slots than even Oblivion.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:44 am

Nothing's stopping me from eating every cupcake I find.

Now I'm too fat to move.

It's God's fault for making cupcakes. If He didn't make cupcakes, I wouldn't eat all of them!
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:49 am

Nothing's stopping me from eating every cupcake I find.

Now I'm too fat to move.

It's God's fault for making cupcakes. If He didn't make cupcakes, I wouldn't eat all of them!

You should try Wabbajack on guards to get free sweetrolls :evil:
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:06 am

Why would they nerf it? It's only OP if you, the player, decide to abuse it and make it OP. it isn't a balancing issue or a game issue because YOU spam iron daggers.

I think people are saying even without abuse there are issues. I can't speak for smithing, but I think enchanting with how it stacks effects within itself is not balanced. But I have a firm belief that you should not bypass a resource mechanic like magicka, it should have been capped like resistances IMO or allow the only thing it can stack with is the perks so you would cap at like 75% off. Yeah I can and do self regulate, but I can also intellectually recognize the poor design and there is nothing wrong with fixing it. Or for other skills stealth on its own seems broken to me. I am not abusing it unless hiding in shadowy areas is an abuse and post 50 skill with 0 perks in it I am rarely found before everyone in the room is dead.
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Jamie Lee
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:16 am

You should try Wabbajack on guards to get free sweetrolls :evil:

Once ran into a woman after I got it, and all she would say was just "Wabbajack" repeatedly several times in a row, in a fast, demented kind of voice.

She then said she would be honored if I Wabbajacked her.

So I did, and she turned into a rabbit and hopped away.

It was so perfectly bizarre I swear I heard a far off voice echoing "CHEESE FOR EVERYONE!"
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:33 am

Anyone hoping Bethesda Nerfs Enchanting & Smithing....

No, because this isn't COD and Bethesda is not Activision.
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:31 am

Once ran into a woman after I got it, and all she would say was just "Wabbajack" repeatedly several times in a row, in a fast, demented kind of voice.

She then said she would be honored if I Wabbajacked her.

So I did, and she turned into a rabbit and hopped away.

It was so perfectly bizarre I swear I heard a far off voice echoing "CHEESE FOR EVERYONE!"

Aye, got this encounter too

YOU are the choosen !
You have Wabbajack !
Use it on me please !
Wabbajack Wabbajack Wabbajack !!

i loled at her, really nice voice acting on this one :)
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:44 pm

I happened to get my enchanting skill to 100 and I feel what I can now make with them to be over the top for my liking. Maybe I just don't like it when I can make gear that is faaar superior than anything I have been able to find so far. What the heck is the point of getting a fancy daedric artifact or finding some unique, cool item when you can craft something better than those items? Kind of takes away the fun of exploring dungeons, caves, etc (which item finding is a big reason people explore in the first place).
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Sarah Kim
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:09 pm

They Just needed to keep degradation and fix it.

Oh heck no! Equipment degradation was a horrible idea. I am SO glad it's gone.
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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:19 am

Whats OP in them?

You should reffer to it as "overpowered" because I was confused when I saw "what is original post in them?". :P

No, because this isn't COD and Bethesda is not Activision.

And thanks to god it isn't.
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:04 am

When the future patch addresses "difficulty rebalancing"?

I smell a nerf cooking up for those two overpowered skills...

Please put a gun in your mouth.
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sunny lovett
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:25 pm

It's not exploiting or going around any game mechanics to get the ridiculously overpowered gear. You get the insane gear by doing it exactly like the tutorials in-game show you.

What if someone's playing a character who they want to be an enchanter/blacksmith and that's what they focus on. Why should they not be entitled to enjoy the game because all the challenge has been taken out/skewed so terribly?

Why did Bethesda put in the enchanting/blacksmithing lines into the game at all when it's supposed to be largely ignored. Maybe they could have spent more time developing parts of the game that needed it so bad (combat.) If you're supposed to ignore blacksmithing, enchanting and alchemy, there's also lock picking and pick pocketing that doesn't require a single perk be spent, as well as heavy and light armour being redundant because of remove weight penalties perk in the heavy armour line that makes 6/18 useless skill lines. Why did they even bother including them.

Yes. Fix blacksmithing and enchanting so they are viable skills to focus on without breaking the game. Also add more unique drops so that blacksmithing and enchanting aren't so integral to the game. You shouldn't have to force a game you're playing to be challenging and sadly with the lack of puzzles, difficult to traverse obstacles and the magic arrows solving every quest for you the combat is the only halfway decent challenge in the game.
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:09 pm

I'd rather they fix the various quest bugs before they start worrying about nerfing things in a single player game with adjustable difficulty.

People say "What is the point of being able to make armor better than what you can find?" It's b/c you bothered to level enchanting/smithing. If you are a badass enchanter your should be able to make better weapons and armor than anything else in the world. Even the Deadric Princes can't hope to match your crafting prowess because you are Dragon Born and follow in the footsteps of Talos, who was once mortal and became a god.

If you make it so things you find are better than Enchanted/Smithed armor people will say "Why bother with Enchanting or Smithing? I can just go find something better, what pointless skills."
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Chris Cross Cabaret Man
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:41 am

They Just needed to keep degradation and fix it. Have repair require the same materials as the armor, or upgrades. Have weapons and armor degrade back to basic. vanilla stats. Not actually break. That would "balance" smithing. Enchanting is only really exploitable when you start making suits and potions to up it. Otherwise, only having two effects, from an already limited effects list (no shield enchant?) is far from OPed. Especially since there's less enchant slots than even Oblivion.

The problem with degradation is that the new system penalizes use of offspec skills. Degradation might be of benefit to smiths, but it would be a hardship for folks who carry a dagger for back-up and don't want to level because they repaired it.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:19 am

Aye, got this encounter too

YOU are the choosen !
You have Wabbajack !
Use it on me please !
Wabbajack Wabbajack Wabbajack !!

i loled at her, really nice voice acting on this one :)

Yeah, it really was good voice acting.

I kind of hope I'll run into her again, or maybe into another devotee of the Mad God.

But even if not, I love how Wabbajack can prove immensely useful, no matter what your level.

Wabbajack Wabbajack Wabbajack Wabbajack!
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Felix Walde
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:48 am

It's not exploiting or going around any game mechanics to get the ridiculously overpowered gear. You get the insane gear by doing it exactly like the tutorials in-game show you.

What if someone's playing a character who they want to be an enchanter/blacksmith and that's what they focus on. Why should they not be entitled to enjoy the game because all the challenge has been taken out/skewed so terribly?

Why did Bethesda put in the enchanting/blacksmithing lines into the game at all when it's supposed to be largely ignored. Maybe they could have spent more time developing parts of the game that needed it so bad (combat.) If you're supposed to ignore blacksmithing, enchanting and alchemy, there's also lock picking and pick pocketing that doesn't require a single perk be spent, as well as heavy and light armour being redundant because of remove weight penalties perk in the heavy armour line that makes 6/18 useless skill lines. Why did they even bother including them.

Yes. Fix blacksmithing and enchanting so they are viable skills to focus on without breaking the game. Also add more unique drops so that blacksmithing and enchanting aren't so integral to the game. You shouldn't have to force a game you're playing to be challenging and sadly with the lack of puzzles, difficult to traverse obstacles and the magic arrows solving every quest for you the combat is the only halfway decent challenge in the game.

I could buy a dozen cupcakes so that I could have maybe one a day, sometimes two, over the course of a week.

Or I could buy every cupcake I can find within a day's driving distance, to eat all of them in a single day.

Which is a normal approach to you?
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:26 am

I would feel more accomplished with 100 smithing if you had to gather the materials yourself.
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:27 pm

Bethesda doesn't do post-release "balancing" in their games. Give it up, already.
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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:39 am

I could buy a dozen cupcakes so that I could have maybe one a day, sometimes two, over the course of a week.

Or I could buy every cupcake I can find within a day's driving distance, to eat all of them in a single day.

Which is a normal approach to you?

That really depends on how many cupcakes I feel like eating and how many cupcakes there are within a day's driving distance of my current location.

How do you feel about enchanting and smithing affecting gameplay in Skyrim?
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kat no x
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:30 am

So if everyone plays exactly like you it is ok, but if people try to raise their crafting up - that is somehow exploiting, abusing the system, or playing the game incorrectly? The problem is that players must go out of their way to avoid creating items that outmatch your enemies greatly. This is without cheating or looping alchemy pots. Just standard stuff in the game. Crafting Iron Daggers to level your skill is not "abusing the system" it is common sense. That however isn't really my complaint. My complaint is the fact that the difficulty in this game is a joke and players seeking any sort of challenge must create arbitrary rulesets to play with when the game should have a slider giving the player the ability to control the scaling of enemies, so that if you want a greater challenge, you can up the level off-set of enemies (for example enemies that scale with your level could scale to be 10 levels higher than you always if you chose - or less if you get stuck). That is a completely legitimate gripe. The "Master/Adept" difficulty settings do not seem to do a whole lot. It is kind of like how in some games a hardcoe mode adds "food consumption" to the equation instead of increasing the amount of mobs, their stats (and possibly AI), the arsenal of spells/skills they use, etc. I really am not quite sure if you guys are getting what is wrong with the game and how the implementation of a system like this will do absolutely nothing to limit your gameplay, only give you more options...

No, the problem is that by leaving the game as open to possibility as they were capable of, Bethesda left it possible for people to go out of their way to ruin their own gaming experience.

The enemy scaling system would be nice, but when you have people going out of their way to create 6000+ hp damage weapon/attack combos rather than playing the game in a systematically realistic/immersive fashion, it won't matter how much you scale up the enemies. I'd like to see bears weaker and dragons stronger. I'd like to see enchantments scaled more to what you will be facing. All I'm saying is, on a straight play-through, with no boosting of stats or intentional [censored], the game moves at the same pace as the player. As soon as you decide to boost/spam a stat or perk tree, YOU have decided to make the game less realistic/too easy on your own.
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KIng James
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:15 pm

When the future patch addresses "difficulty rebalancing"?

I smell a nerf cooking up for those two overpowered skills...

WoW boards are that way ------------------------------------>
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Austin Suggs
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:14 pm

WoW boards are that way ------------------------------------>

What has WoW got to do with anything at all here?
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Gill Mackin
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:50 am

What has WoW got to do with anything at all here?

First of all, Bethesda doesn't do rebalances. The skills that are in the game right now are not going to get changed unless modded.

Secondly, this isn't an MMO, things don't get "nerfed" in single player games. Just common knowledge.
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Floor Punch
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:58 pm

Oh heck no! Equipment degradation was a horrible idea. I am SO glad it's gone.

No, it wasn't a horrible idea. It was just implemented horribly in Oblivion.
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