Anyone hoping Bethesda Nerfs Enchanting & Smithing....
When the future patch addresses "difficulty rebalancing"?
Nope. I haven't found them overpowered. But, then, I just hit 100 Smithing at level 48. And have 70 Alchemy, and 50-60 Enchanting (with no perks).
I've been happily playing along through the game, using the skills that felt right, picking perks as they seemed useful (I don't have any tree "maxed out" except the light armor path on Smithting), and I've had plenty of challenge. Boss fights and the stronger dragons take a good amount of work. On Adept.
So I don't really see a strong need for "nerfing". Or "balancing". But, then, I never overdid stuff in Oblivion (like 100% chameleon) or Morrowind (like recursively stacked Int potions to reach infinite power). Just like I don't open the console and type "tgm".... it's boring, why would I do any of those things? But if people find them interesting, I don't feel any need to prevent it. Only part I find odd is that the people pursuing "ultimate power" by min/max/powergaming, then complain when they succeed in their goal. It's kind of strange. You'd think they'd be happy.