I'm working on a project for which I need to create a few miscellaneous magical gizmos and doo-dads, which I would like to be somewhat unique-looking. I completely lack the skill to design my own meshes/textures, so I'm hoping to find some publicly available resources that I might use. I'm looking for things along the lines of crystal balls, magic tables, wizard's tomes, scrying pools, small altars/idols, fanciful little machines- think stuff along the lines of what Dumbledore might have in his office.
I've combed through the resource thread on these forums and searched around on PES and the Nexus, with little luck (I might use a few of the crystal balls from Kayla's Knick-Knacks if I don't find anything else). I'm hoping someone here might have something they know off the top of their head- either a straight-up resource pack, or a mod that has a few such items and is allowed to be freely used and redistributed. Any help would be appreciated.