Anyone Know The List Of All Suit Modules Upgrades??

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:54 am

This is the only 1 i got to in the Demo. please list the ones you know in the following format. thank you

Cloak Enhance:
Regular=faster transition in and out of stealth
Upgrade 1= no shadow cast while in stealth
Upgrade 2= Energy drains slower while in Stealth
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Your Mum
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:14 am

We'll all see for sure on March 1st.
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Fam Mughal
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:16 pm

I found a complete list of the xbox360 perk upgrades online before, try to look for it

No, you should definitely have a look at the upgrades before you play. It's a bit hard to upgrade all of them (since there's a limited time in demo) and the challenges are pretty tedious (for cloak enhance I believe you have to kill enemies seconds after stealthing) so I suggest you pick out the ones you want.

a lot of the upgraded perk versions are awesome though.
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:51 am

I just watched this video, tells you alot about the progression system. Also makes a point of telling you camping doesn't pay lol.

EDIT: for anyone who played the beta and used the air stomp, does that kill in one hit? The force it generates it definitely looks as though it should.
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Jay Baby
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:46 am

Air Stomp - Perform a powerful downwards attack when in the air
Proximity Alarm - Automatic Warning when enemy is nearby
Armor Enhance - Reduce drain speed of energy while in armor mode
Armor Enhance upgrade - Increases movement speed in armor mode
Armor Enhance upgrade 2 - Protects against Nanosuit Jamming
Threat Tracer - Highlights incoming bullet paths
Nano Recharge - Faster Health Recharge
Detonation Delay - Delays detonation of nearby enemy nades
Energy Transfer - Restore 50 Percent Energy with each kill

Stealth Enhance - Faster transition in and out of stealth
Stealth Enhance Upgrade- + Removes Shadow while Cloaked
Covert Ops - Suppresses the sound of footsteps (Probably your own)
Cloak Tracker - Identifies when enemies enter stealth mode nearby
Jammer - Scrambles the radar of enemies within 10m Range
Blind spot - Protection from Maximum radar bonus [Is that jammer?]
Tracker - Highlight enemy routes [Probably footsteps]
Visor Enhance - Highlight enemies through weapon scopes

Side pack - Allows additional magazine of primary ammunition to be carried
Side pack upgrade - Carry additional grenade
Side pack upgrade 2 - Carry more attachment ammo
Weapon pro - Faster Reload
Weapon pro upgrade - Faster aim down sights
Weapon pro upgrade 2 - Faster weapon switch
Aim Enhance - Decrease weapon recoil when aiming down sights
Aim Enhance Upgrade- +Reduces flinching (Something like that i don't remember the exact description sorry)
Aim Enhance upgrade 2 - Faster movement speed while ADS
Loadout Pro - Allows an additional primary weapon to be carried in place of a secondary
Rapid Fire - Faster fire rate on primary weapons
Point Fire Enhance - Reduce spread of primary when firing from the hip
Mobility Enhance - Reduce energy drain when sprinting or jumping
Retriever - Automaticly collect dog tags from fallen enemies (See this isn't rigged because there's much better perks here

Copy and pasted from and I edited in some that I know of.
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