One time I went into the Cambridge Police Station to get my XP and pittance of capola from Knight Rhys. There is Danse, standing placidly, waiting for me to eventually get around to me following him up to Prydwen . . . Scribe Haylen is milling around doing whatever it is a Scribe does all day . . . and I hear this strange banging noise. Kinda like that noise you hear when say, a metal bucket clips into an alarm clock cause you dropped them right next to each other and they are pirouetting around in a little dervish dance . . . I was puzzled.
This banging continued and I realized it was coming from one of the rooms back to the left.
Went around the corner and here is Knight Rhys, having a tantrum. Not sure what the poor innocent, broken, non-functional metal filing cabinets left over from ~210 years ago did to piss him off but, boy was he steamed. There he was, kicking and punching those things, and making all that racket. I stood there and watched him for a good 30 seconds to a minute as he continued this little tirade against the filing cabinet. Atom how I wish I'd had a video app ready to run for that.
Then he just stopped and went back to standard "sand box" mode, i.e., standing around doing nothing. Went up to him and he acted like it didn't even happen.
"That location better be cleared out . . ."
There is much anger in that one . . . no wonder he has yet to make Paladin and doesn't seem to rate his own Power Armor yet