If not for their vast inferiority... and the RP question of why a man would choose to be less protected when going into battle... I'd love to wear the early armors.
For a Nord, something about the fur/leather/steel look really fits. As my Nord progresses, I feel that some of the armors- Dwarven especially- don't really fit him.
The iron and steel sets look amazing. I'm tempted to just wear a steel set and say "screw everything past this," because honestly, all of them look worse. Maybe somebody will make armor mods that improve the look of higher tier armors.
Steel armour looks almost as awful as Dwarven but Iron looks great and the Ancient Nord Steel Helmet is probably my favourite looking helmet in the game.
Light armors seem to look better than heavy ones as you level up. I loved the look of fur and hide, then I got leather which was not as cool. But then I got the stormcloak officer set, which was my favorite until I got the savior's hide which is my current favorite. Everything past steel in the heavy armor doesn't really appeal to me.
While the armour does look far better in Skyrim than Oblivion, I find that the later game armours still look inferior to the starting stuff. It's for this exact reason why I've stuck to Steel Plate and Nordic Steel over Orcish and Dwarven equipment.
i like the lower armors too, but i wear light armor. studded armor was my favorite (very warrior-like) but then i found SCALE and that became my favorite, THEN i found HORNED SCALE or w/e it's called and it was scale w/ a deer head on the shoulder!!! it's super bad ass and i wear the thief guild hood w/ it looks super awesome!
Yeah, made up armors are hard to get right I guess. Why can't they just take Steel and make it look a bit more evil? Although I think the Dwarven armor is pretty beast.
Don't be too worried about the armor rating. According to UESP the armor cap is 567 (80% Damage Reduction). With Blacksmithing + Heavy armor talents you'll blow right past that, even in iron. In fact, My new character is putting two points in Blacksmithing for steel and arcane smith, and going Nordic Steel all the way.
Dragonscale armor doesn't look as cool as I'd like it to, but I have no real complaints about wearing it. IMO the Daedric armor looks WAAAY better then it did on Oblivion and is the best looking armor in the game.
I tried the wolf armour, and it looked a couple of sizes too big...same for some of the other stuff. With the enchantments and smithing, you can still be viable with the plainer armours.
It's only early days for me yet, but I've got something like 170+ rating now, and if needs be I'd throw spells to buff it.
I love the wolf armor. But I felt it was time to move up so I switched to steel plate which I'm content with. I'm also level 27 and still using skyforge.
I love the look of steel plate armor with the ancient nord helmet my favorite so far, plus it has the most badass horns I've seen on a helmet in the game. I wish they had some more viking like armor though and some viking style chainmail.
Steel Armor for the win. I like to look rugged, rough, and rowdy. Because, you know, that's realistic. And I'm a Bosmer. I wear the steel set, and an Apprentice Black Hood. Aragorn never wore anything retardedly extravagant, like the Dwarven Armor. That [censored]'s for rich imperials...
I've gone with Dragonscale everything except for helm since I ground so hard to get the perk. I'll probably change once I've sampled everything and found a combination that I like the look of though (In Fallout, it was Chinese stealth armor with a cowboy hat). So far, the only piece of the dragonscale that I love is the gloves. I also haven't taken off my first dragon priest mask since I took it from that monster's cold dead face.