I was curious because when I tried her out as a wife a while back, all...the...woman...ever...said...was...
"At least something good came out of that trip to Saarthal. I didn't find anything but dust [cue hi-hat made especially for APPALLINGLY LAME JOKES...]!"
As in she said that whenever I so much as made a gesture toward her from across a large room, or, if we happened to be standing 5-10 feet away, then she just incessantly and robotically kept repeating it with that annoying 6-7 second break in between (the same one housecarls use with "Honor to you, my Thane" and their other ass kissing lines, or that Ysolda uses to space out when she says "Hello my love. Back...from some adventure...I bet..." other than when you go up or down a set of stairs, go into another room for a minute or two....you get my point).
Needless to say, I snapped after less than a day with her as a wife (as in the way people in Florida snap, if you catch my drift...) and that was that. But...I hadn't finished "Hitting the Books" yet, so I never heard her robotic dialogue switch to "So you're off to find some staff now? I don't see the point of that," let alone any of the 2-3 wondrous transformations she must undergo before the College/WH storyline is over.
So out of curiosity, how does she act after the College quests are over? Does she have lines that she keeps repeating?
I mean, did I cheat myself by not sticking things out? Again?