The question should be:
Are any high level (40+) Destruction mages struggling.
It's not magic that's gimped, just Destruction.
One should not have to abuse one element (Enchanting/Smithing), or rely on others (Conjuration/Illusion) to make another partly viable. They need to fix destruction.
I want to play a Destruction mage, not a Destruction mage who needs Conjuration, Alteration, Alchemy and Enchanting to get by kinda mage.
Seems kinda silly to call something "Destruction" when one handed swords do way more damage much more quickly.
Hey, maybe they could call it Whittling? The more powerful you get the more you Whittle down your enemies. Problem solved.
You don't have abuse enchanting/smithing. You just can't expect enemies to fall over dead to 1 spell, thats only fun for like 2-3 enemies, then its boring.
Destruction doesn't need to be "fixed" it works fine.
I don't use any conjuration (I did earlier in the game, but I was experimenting), I use restoration and destruction pretty much only. I'm a big alchemist, and a decent enchanter, but alchemy is at like 36 skill, enchanting is around 55, so they aren't "exploited".
One-hand swords require you to get right up to your enemy. Enemies with heavy armor sometimes take awhile to kill. Same with Destruction. There are enemies with magic resistance, but every enemy has a weakness, usually its fire, but sometimes its Frost or Lightning. You can't expect to only use Fireball on everything and for it to die in 2 of them, again, thats BORING.
Destruction has one of the most overpowered and broken skills in the game, impact. Use it.