six is Great. Violence is Entertaining. Beer is AWESOME!
- Welcome to Canada
yep thats pretty much what it is here, I did'nt really care about a lack of sixual content if I want ''sixual content'' ill do that on my own time with my girlfriend, dont really care about it in a game but not against it just dont care.
I did notice the lack of sixual content and was not really bothered or surprised as it ws not advertized like that in any way but I did
kinda expect a certain amount well more than there is any way or as has been said a relationship of some kind for the LW.
Im guessing they cut that part of it out as far as Amata (or what ever the vault girls name is) as the LW can be either six, maybe?
that or they just cut so much stuff due to lack of time and did not want to put back or miss the release date, money, money, money!
On one hand I gotta agree with
As for "But what if a child sees it?", well too damn bad. Are we to censor everything, despite the content clearly being rated as advlts-only?
It is rated and clearly marked as a 18/advlt Content for advlts only and there is not a lot of point of marking a thing as advlt only
if the advlt content is not added, kinda defeats the point as I dont see a bunch of middle quality graphics loosing their heads and limbs
as being advlt only. Regardless of what socca moms say, its not real and you would have to be fairly limited in brain power to not
see that or tell the difference between a game and reality regardless of age.
Im not saying there should be pormography or any thing near XXX status but the lack of any thing is just lame.
Besides I gotta agree with this above and the other half objects and then get in the way, in a good way

, Also I dont really think its
needed, it may had added to the immersion had there been a relationship of some kind and would have made a lot more sense if they
had but im not going to miss it, some things are better Role Played in Real Life, however you do it!