Okay, I can never remember which Editor ID (base object or placed object) commands need until I try them, I guess I gave the wrong one (although I thought I had it right)

Try this instead:
JulienneFanis.moveto player
Otherwise, the first time you're supposed to be meeting her looks like stage 15.
You say "Restoring Bruma" and she replies "Hello Archmage, I understand you want to restore the Bruma Guild Hall ?"
When she speaks, the following script runs:
setstage OMGBrumaRestoration 17
so you first need to type that into the console to progress to stage 17.
Stage 17 allows you to reply "Yes Julienne", and she'll respond "Well first you need a new Guildmagister, J'skar is perhaps not the best choice but given what happened. I think he is the only choice."
When she speaks, the following script runs:
setstage OMGBrumaRestoration 19
So next you need to type that into the console to progress to stage 19.
Stage 19 allows you to say "Where is J'skar ?", and she'll respond "I saw him this morning on the University grounds. Find him and Promote him to Guildmagister for Bruma."
When she speaks, the following script runs:
setstage OMGBrumaRestoration 20
So now you need to type that into the console to progress to stage 20.
Stage 20 allows you to say "Where will you be ?", and she'll respond "I'll be here at 8am and 4pm for a couple of hours each day until Bruma is restored. We should always conduct our business in the Council Chambers."
When she speaks, the following script runs:
setstage OMGBrumaRestoration 25
So now you need to type each of those lines into the console to progress to stage 25 and enable J'skar.
You need to progress through each stage of the quest, don't just skip to 25. You must also close the console between each stage progression, and wait a good 10 or 20 seconds to allow any other scripts running to detect these stage progressions, as each stage could potentially trigger something else in the mod. This is why I don't recommend simply using the console to jump to a new quest stage - doing so could prevent the game advancing something else related to the same quest, or even related to another quest in the mod.
Next you go find J'skar, but then you'll need to return to Julienne Fanis again to continue the quest later.
If you know how to use TES4Edit, you could "copy as override" record 34EAF (Julienne Fanis' base record) into a new ESP (allow the OMG ESP to be a master to this new ESP) and place that at the end of your load order. This will restore the OMG AI packages. You can drop the new ESP as soon as you're certain you no longer need Julienne Fanis to visit the council chamber.