I'm playing with Fighters Guild Contracts, The Elder Council, and Origin of the Mage's Guild with FCOM and everything seems fine. I found a strange bug or conflict with Elder Council though. When I began a new game with it enabled, I consistently get a CTD a few seconds after day 2 of the game, meaning a few seconds after 12:00 AM of day 3 I get a CTD. Seems like the counter begins with I exit the sewers since when I wait four days still in the prison cell nothing happens, but waiting three days after that after exiting the sewers - CTD. I haven't tested whether it is an isolated bug in the mod or potentially a conflict with another. Disabling the mod, waiting past day 3 12:00 AM, and re-enabling solves the problem though, and I'm on day 7 after leaving sewers without the same CTD occurring again. Probably nothing to worry about. There might be some weird things that you will find in giskard's mods, though; look at the change log of OMG.