It's Julienne Fanis . Oh THANKS in advance
Ah, yes I remember helping someone with this problem once last year. The problem is simply that the NPC is a vanilla NPC from the original game. The ONLY way you can talk to her to progress the plot is if she is in the Council Chamber. Outside the chamber, she won't have the topic available. OMG adds new AI packages to instruct her to head to the Council chamber at the right time, but you have another mod loading after OMG which also edits this same NPC, and this other mod has overridden and reset her AI packages, removing the one instructing her to head to the Council chamber.
It's also possible you might simply be looking at the wrong time of day. She doesn't spend all day in the chamber once you're supposed to find her there. She'll be there every day from 8am to 11am, and again every day from 4pm to 7pm during the Bruma Guild Hall restoration quest, if another mod
hasn't overridden her AI.
You can either use the console to make her appear, or use the console to advance to the next quest stage.
Option 1) Enter the Arch-Mage's Tower Council Chamber, open the console and type:
JulienneFanisRef.moveto player
then speak to her before she leaves the room (which is the first thing she'll try to do)
Option 2) Set the next stage in the quest. Not recommended, as I don't know exactly which stage you're at, there look to be around four quest stages to advance through based on the conversation you have with her.
Option 3) If it's because of another mod overriding, you could move the OMG ESP to the end of your load order just for this stage in the quest, then put it back where you normally have it afterwards.
what is OTT? sorry I dont' now this acronim
OTT = over the top