I used to do this In Fallout 3, and I though about doing this in Skyrim, just never got around to it or could come up with a reason, especially when all the current guards comment about me being Dragonborn.
Why would i do that? Its not like some guy is going to kill everyone.
Don't care how immersive someone is going to find it, that sounds boring as hell.
If the game actually recognized that I was a guard, sure, it'd be a blast. Instead, i'm just a crazy man pretending to be a guard
Trust me it isn't.
Things these RP fanatics come up with...
How is it not boring? I mean if you go to guard barracks, you cant take any of the food because it is "stealing".
You practise your reading skill. You don't get the good perks untill skill hits 15.
Dude said that sounds the most boring way to play the game.
I said it wasn't the most boring way to play the game.
I haven't RP'd a guard in Skyrim, but I did in Oblivion, a mounted guard anyway. Regular shift but different area's around the Imperial city. I could almost see doing the same thing in Skyrim but alot of the dialogue just doesn't work, be easier on pc though with alternate life, at least no Dragonborn comments. I couldn't see being a guard "inside" a city though, perhaps outside might work if you do the night shift.
If i got paid for my shift and people actually recognised me as a guard as well frequent bandit/beast/monster attacks on towns/villages sure, it would be fun.
I had a character who sorta did this in Morrowind, when we had the Imperial Legion. Have not done it since.
Playing as an astronomer, counting every single star and other celestial formation during separate times of the year, then cross referencing that with the Circumference of the world to estimate just how large the galaxy is.
And that is why it was easy to play a mounted guard in Oblivion, ok so no on recognized me as a guard and my "pay" came when I sold the items that I got off bandits. BUT their were enough bandits and "monsters" spawning that it was pretty dang fun. Well as long as my "shift and route" wasn't the exact same as the day before anyway.
You could always RP a "special" guard and get assignments from the steward to take care of "problems that regular guards don't do".
Its ridiculous. Its like playing Team Deathmatch in Modern Warfare and just staying at the spawn point and saying "Im the seargeant, report back to me with results of the battle. Im just going to sit right here and wait it out".
Can you imagine, just standing outside of Belthor's shop, all day. Everyday. OP says his friend does that for HOURS (i.e., all day). That is crazy.
yes Mods would help. I'm sure their probably are some out their that help with the dialogue, if not I imagine somone will come up with one. Even Alternate Life would help, as you can start well away from the areas that would trigger the MQ.
True. But isn't that mostly from fast travelling? and anyway that would get boring real fast just fighting vamp's all the time.
except Skyrim is a game that people RP in.
I have never seen anyone RP in CoD...
I couldn't just stand in one spot and find that ammusing, but then again I don't find FPS all that fun either. I've watched my husband play Modern Warfare and Nija Assassin... Not my cup of tea, he find's Skyrim to slow and boreing. We generally just play our own games and leave the other alone. Each to their own.