@topic: I am playing NV, (actually, I've only just begun in earnest... Two weeks ago I had 38 hours *total* time spent in the game; and I pre-ordered the CE.)
So all you care about is dungeon crawling and fighting?
RPGs are not for you then.
I do.

(Been playing cRPGs for 20 years and loved most of them.)
(But I don't share most of the opinions expressed in the post you quoted, and I do play the PC with extrapolated empathy; FPP Immersion though, is insignificant to me. I do not pretend to live the character's life, only how they would personally react to a choice.)
Spoiler Now the preference for Fallout 1 & 2 makes sense... right?

game sales do reflect how well a game is received....maybe not how fun it is directly, but any game thats only 20 dollars less than 2 months after it came out like new vegas, that shows how bad sales were. and sales should of been super good, coming off FO3, all the publicity, it being a fallout game etc...after all that it was still only 20 dollars 2 months later..that speaks for itself. trashing skyrim isn't gonna change how boring new vegas was for millions of people.
Game sales don't reflect quality, they reflect marketability ~and sometimes the two go hand in hand... but not always.
As for how it was received... IMO NV is better suited to the series aficionado (as opposed to just the FO3/TES aficionado).
Fallout 3 was beautiful... but very "un-fallouty" IMO, where the series precepts are concerned.
Whats so bad about Lady Gaga?

The only Lady Gaga song I've liked is "Morning Dew" ~and its not really her singing in it.