I'm suggesting a new DLC for xbox 360 i was on youtube and i noticed people like being able to make there own town/base (lookup wasteland defence on youtube.com) and i noticed everyone that owned a xbox was sad that they bought an xbox instead of computer so why dont you make a DLC like wasteland Defense and make it in Arizona so u like repel legion invaders and protect ur town and save people from the legion. because im pretty sure most people do not like the legion (personally prefer the NCR) or you could just make it like you find a broken old abandoned fenced off military base and u can buy stuff for it and hire guards (look up wasteland defense on youtube.com if you think this is a good idea) because i saw videos about that and then i decided to register in this just to make this post because i thought it was so awesome
I love how people foolish enough to buy Bethesda games on xbox begin to realize just how dumb it was to do that...OR instead they just request somthing (exclusively for xbox) thinking their idea will actually get read and put into consideration by the multi million dollar company who doesnt have their own minds working on their own ideas for the franchise...lol instead their gonna come to the forums looking for ideas on what to make in the form of dlc's...Dont you think that MAYBE they already have all their ideas for dlc's either completely done, or almost done?
I guess its good to dream right?
Oh and your comment on how most people hate the Legion... :down: WRONG