These are great instructions!!! Thanks so much for posting in-depth details for everyone! I will be trying out your methods as well.
How do you create an NTFS hard link to various drive paths? I follow everything else, but I've never heard of NTFS hard links.
Could you please provide some details on this. I've also linked to your post on the OP as I think others will find your technique very very useful. :celebration:
"mklink" is what you are looking for . . .
So here is what I do
Copy my C:\Oblivion\Data\ to the Z:\ (the ram drive) (using windows exploder or robocopy or whatever you want)
Rename the folder to "Od" or whatever you feel like naming it.
Delete the folder C:\Oblivion\Data\
Create a directory Junction from C:\Oblivion\Data\ to Z:\Od
Proper syntax from the command line would be -
mklink /J "C:\Oblivion\Data\" "Z:\Od\"
You will now have a folder "C:\Oblivion\Data" that looks like a normal folder in that location except the contents of that folder are physically located on the Ram Drive!
Edit: I am using Dataram RAMDisk - I can't tell you what version from here at work, but I haven't updated since I got it about a year ago. I tried a bunch of different programs that were free then bought the licence because this one had the best UI (for me at least). I have had a couple of image file corruptions over the past year, but no problems other than that. Note, it takes a while to move 11 GB of data from disk to RAM so your computer will start up significantly slower when you have it enabled.