I have played SKYRIM with an SSD drive. But it's sort of a mixed bag situation.
I have try it one two different SSD drives. One was a OCZ Agility 3 and the second one a Samsung 840 (not Evo)
First of all, you must realize, the PS3 uses an SATA-150 controller. So even a SSD cant go faster than 1,5Gbps or 150MB/s.
Secondly, TRIM is not supported. That hurts a SSD drive. After lots of writing and erasing your SSD performance will degrade, and yours SSD lifespan will suffer.
So, after all this, how performs a SSD on a PS3 ???
With the OCZ Agility 3, it was the first time i could complete the whole main quest + side-quests without any hassle, and i would say without any particular lag problems, even after my save files exceeded the 14MB mark. !!!
But that wasn't the case with the Samsung 840. After 10 minutes only, i had stuttering and ugly screen tearing. !!! (even with an convectional HDD i never encountered screen tearing !!!)
So actually it's pure luck if Skyrim will run better or not with an SSD drive. 
However, i wish you the best...Have fun. !!! 
Only for the history: I use both of those SSD drives on my RIG, for 3 years now. Working perfectly fine. (All both are 120GB SSD drives)
Not to forget: An SSD drive eliminated almost the screen tearing problems with "Rage", but that wasn't the case with Mass effect 2 !!!
That was the reason why i changed it with an WD Black series 750GB drive.