This is why I could never see myself gaming on the pc, way to many technical issues for my simple mind, I like my good old, simple 360. It lets me do what I want to do without messing around!
Also why would you spent so much udgrading and building a pc just to play games?
i havent upgarded my gfx card for about 5 year. the one im getting rid of wees all over a xbox for gfx

my processor is still many times more powerful than an xbox and its 5 years old too

this new gfx card will blow the xbox away totally. think better gfx than the NEXT xbox (i.e. xbox 720)
i want brink to play a little better (my old card wasnt getting the fps i want and couldn't handle the spectacular fx like ambient occlusion (xbox cant do that anyway)) and it certainly wouldn't cope well with bf3 that is out later in the year. remember the pc version will have 64 players. 40 more than the console! battlefield just isnt battlefield unless there are 64 people playing together!

im not someone who upgrades pc every year, i don't see the point in that. but i do love my eye candy and this is the first time it hasn't been able to cope with high settings. i built this pc well before i got my ps3.
pc technicalities don't bother me. im a developer and IT manager so i can generally cope easily with desktop problems if they arise.
fair play to you with liking your xbox but i hate using console pads for FPS, they just arent built for aiming. i still use my ps3 a lot for fifa, drakes fortune etc or when playing with the wife (she is into the new motorstorm at the moment)