I don't think that idea will appeal to many people here, Matt.

If you want to start out easy, get yourself a copy of the http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2097 (OBMM). Also, make sure you have the latest official patch (the Shivering Isles one, if you have the Shivering Isles installed, and the plain Oblivion one, if you don't). You can get that http://www.elderscrolls.com/downloads/updates_patches.htm. Only bother getting that (and installing it) if you're not using the Game of the Year version of Oblivion, though. Reason being, GotY Oblivion comes pre-patched.
Get the OMOD version of mods, including those below, when there's an option for that. That's the format that OBMM uses, and it's about as straightforward as you can get.
Then, having already installed OBMM (linked above), use it to install the http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5296, then the http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27710 for it. If you have Shivering Isles installed (separately, or because you have the Game of the Year version, which includes it by default), now proceed to installing the http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10739. If you also have any other official mods (often called DLC, which stands for DownLoadable Content - Knights of the Nine is the best known of these, for example) there's a patch for them too: the http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9969. Game of the Year has some DLC, so if you have that, definitely get that patch too, and install it.
Right. Now you've got the absolute basics, and - with any luck - a handle on using OBMM. You should be set, to at least make some headway. Asking more questions is totally fine, at any stage. But be sure to read things like readme files, and instructions/advice at mod download pages; that kind of thing. And if you need someone to clarify anything about a mod, try asking in the mod's own thread, where possible. If you're looking for particular mods, or kinds of mods, try the Mods Detectives thread (usually to be found on the first page of threads, but maybe second or third - its sole purpose is that.
There's a wealth of information at http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/, but take it slow there, is my advice. One thing at a time. Better to take a little more time, than to rush things and end up in a right mess.

edit: Also, check out some of the stickied threads at the top of this forum. They'll help to get you started as well.