I just need inspiration.. The few existing redguards on Nexus does not offer much since most of them looks like the ever so common "ningheim/anime/pre-teens" that everyone loves.. :/
I want to make some warrior/fighter style characters.. Both female and male. And one or two merchant looking ones too.
Female fighters could very well equip http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50814/?or http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60389/? for example. Looking quite redguardish I think?
and this of course! http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13500/?
I need some real redguard thrall company for my egyptian style vampires!
These are my vampires...
Now I need to give them their entourage that came with them.. Carried their coffins all the way from Hammerfell to Markarth.
Any ideas/suggestions?
PS: There's a lot of comments about mercenaries from Hammerfell coming from the inhabitants in Markarth so I thought that was fitting!