My new PC can handle Skyrim fine, and I would rate it more than a "half decent gaming computer".. and I will still get it on Xbox..
I just prefer sitting infront of the TV with my controller (inb4 u can use it on pc duh..). I kinda like my Xbox better because it immerses me more (lulwut) because it feels different than a PC. I also like the fact that my xbox friends are only a few buttons away and that I can chill in Xbox live parties occasionlly and discuss Skyrim while gaming with them. I also started playing TES on console, and it feels like a tradition kinda.. a tradition that neither mods or MODS!! can break.
There are no specific reasons really why I prefer Xbox for gaming, I just do. If I get tired of the vanilla game I can just get it on my PC so I can mod the hell out of it.
I've got a flameshield in my locker for potential future use..
Nope, unlike New Vegas where I bought two copies I won't. Why? I wanted to for New Vegas just because I ignored the bugs and embraced a pallatable suite of writing.
In base state now I can pop in Skyrim to my PC, hook my rig up to my Samsung HDTV, and let it rip. All the conveniance of my 360.
I bet there's little difference between the 360 and PC (even high end PCs) versions, just a slight graphical enhancement.
It starts with an M and ends with an ODS.
The reason I get so many hours out of TES games is in large part to the CS and mods. Though I will undoubtedly enjoy vanilla Skyrim for several hundred hours too.
I'll get it for the 360. I started TES on the console so that's where I have to play them all first. It wouldn't feel right otherwise. That and I'm too lazy to try and drag my comp over to the tv.
The reason I get so many hours out of TES games is in large part to the CS and mods. Though I will undoubtedly enjoy vanilla Skyrim for several hundred hours too.
You do realise that it's possible to install PC Mods onto the 360 hardrive.
Most likely for the console - that way I can sell the game as used or buy a used copy, unlike the PC version that is tied to Steamworks and owned by Valve.
I personally prefer console games simply because I can't mod or cheat, but I have a custom PC that can run any game on the highest setting without any complications. But I'll end up with both Xbox and PC versions, that's for sure.
Why would anyone do this? I could understand if it was a multiplayer game and all of your friends played on a console, but this is a single player game. You would be losing mods, better graphics, better loading times, etc. and getting absolutely nothing in return.
Why would anyone do this? I could understand if it was a multiplayer game and all of your friends played on a console, but this is a single player game. You would be losing mods, better graphics, better loading times, etc. and getting absolutely nothing in return.
Dislike forced use of third-party software for single player games, forced updates to play a new game, if Valve disables your account you lose access to your single player game and you lose your $60.
Baaahahahaa, seriously what? I mean...hahaha, sorry just can't keep a straight face, uh-em, yes consoles are fine for elder, but not trying to start that war up. Answer - no f-king way dude
No. But I hope there is support for controller use in the game. The game seems to be designed around the idea of left trigger, right trigger, right bumper, left bumper.
Dislike forced use of third-party software for single player games, forced updates to play a new game, if Valve disables your account you lose access to your single player game and you lose your $60.
Thats' not true, you can play offline, disable automatic updates, and what third party software are you talking about? I don't know about steam killing the account, but i have a hard time believing it would make any difference.
Im guessing the only reason to do this would be to play on some 55inch TV in lesser picture quality?
Honestly microsoft and sony are LONG overdue for an upgraded console. I imagine it takes more work for Bethesda to dumb down their games just so they can run on a 360, and at the same time they have little incentive to make the games graphics truly amazing considering their PC market probably brings in less cash.
Personally I went out and bought a 5k gaming rig just to play Skyrim (well and Rage as well), but hey I make a good living (doing nothing even remotely computer related!).