As I recall, Sawyer has no problem with covering post-post apocalyptic subjects. It was Avellone that made that statement and suggested they nuke it all again.
Well, Sawyer said a while back that he kind of supports Avellone's statement. I think his response was something along the lines of, "If New Vegas was post-post apocalyptic, then what would a game set 40 to 80 years after New Vegas be? It wouldn't really be 'Fallout' anymore, would it?" That was all paraphrasing of course (the response was at least 7 or 8 months ago iirc), but you get the point. And he's right, I mean it wouldn't really feel post apocalyptic anymore if civilization was at the industrial revolution stage.

I think the debate partly arose though simply because Ulysses and the NCR-only ending tell you the Long 15, whereas THAT and the bomb-both ending imply cities are involved.
So no, I think we need clarification from Avellone if we want a solid answer, tbh.
Yeah, you're right... I just looked up the ending slides and, well, they're really vague:
The Divide erupted in fire as the flame trail of the two Couriers' last message arced into the sky...
...missiles fell on NCR and the Long 15 caravan route beyond the Mojave Outpost, the road the Courier had been walking when the tale began. Caravans and NCR outposts along the route were reduced to ash, an Old World gift from the Divide.
Trail is singular. Missiles is plural.
Then it says NCR
and Long 15, but later it implies that only NCR outposts
along the Long 15 were destroyed.

I'm going to go with the screenshot in the opening post for now, but yeah, asking Chris Avellone for a confirmation on that would certainly help.
Yay! You told me what I already knew.

But glad you cleared it up. We take our New Vegas lore seriously on this forum.
And now it's (sort of) unclear again.

So really I just fogged everything up... but you know, that's what I do.

I guarantee the canon ending won't be that Ulysses launched the nukes.
I don't know... Longknife (I think it was Longknife) had a theory about why the 'nuke both' ending would be canon, and it made a lot of sense. I'll try to find it.