Hey everybody,
Just a quick question about clearing dungeons. I've done Avancnzl (sp) the dwemer ruin west of Riften several times on different toons. The last one that i did i went through did my quest followed the same path but i must have missed a mob cause it wasn't showing it as "cleared" on the map once i exited.
So my question is about the cleared status on dungeons in general. Do mobs inside of dungeons respawn over time? does the "cleared" status have anything to do with this?
On a separate occasion i had cleared the mine near Whiterun that had the dead mammoth inside. I cleared outside and then i cleared the inside did what i had to do and i left. I passed by the same location a few days later and the mobs outside had respawned. But when i went inside everything was still dead and the ore nodes i had tapped had not reset either. So i'm trying to see how respawns work inside of dungeons, if that even happens at all. I read on a wiki site that ore nodes had a respawn timer, but i dont know if mobs had one too or if indoor and outdoor were on a different timer.