Anything wrong with leaving a dungeon 'uncleared'?

Post » Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:20 am

Hey everybody,

Just a quick question about clearing dungeons. I've done Avancnzl (sp) the dwemer ruin west of Riften several times on different toons. The last one that i did i went through did my quest followed the same path but i must have missed a mob cause it wasn't showing it as "cleared" on the map once i exited.

So my question is about the cleared status on dungeons in general. Do mobs inside of dungeons respawn over time? does the "cleared" status have anything to do with this?

On a separate occasion i had cleared the mine near Whiterun that had the dead mammoth inside. I cleared outside and then i cleared the inside did what i had to do and i left. I passed by the same location a few days later and the mobs outside had respawned. But when i went inside everything was still dead and the ore nodes i had tapped had not reset either. So i'm trying to see how respawns work inside of dungeons, if that even happens at all. I read on a wiki site that ore nodes had a respawn timer, but i dont know if mobs had one too or if indoor and outdoor were on a different timer.

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Amy Melissa
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Post » Fri Aug 16, 2013 3:48 am

Dungeons either in 10 days if you've cleared them or in 30 days if you have not.

There is nothing detrimental to worry about when not clearing one.

Ores respawn in 30 days, sometimes they will be graphically displayed but unminable. In that case, simply exit the mine and re-enter and then they can be mined.

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Post » Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:05 am

Ore veins DO respawn? I was wondering about that. In my game they never respawn for some reason. That is why I have never put points in Smithing.
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Post » Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:39 pm

Are you certain you're not revisiting the area before the 30 days has expired?

Wait a min... You're not investing in Smithing just because you feel limited to mining ore?

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Jerry Cox
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Post » Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:16 pm

They do, but you have to stay away from the mine for 31 days so the ore can reset. If you try and enter earlier the respawn counter will start from day one again.

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