The errors from Elsweyr are normal. A load of trees have been set to scale 0 to prevent them being rendered in LOD ( 0 = Null).
Tweaking those settings are part of setting up Streamline correctly. Steamsight is the most useful part of Streamsave in my opinion - if you don't use Streamsight, I don't believe there's really much point in using Streamline.
Tweaking those settings are part of setting up Streamline correctly. Steamsight is the most useful part of Streamsave in my opinion - if you don't use Streamsight, I don't believe there's really much point in using Streamline.
Huh? The Streamsmooth feature still works wonders for me...
Thats good about those errors then- now i just have to figure out why i get so many CTDs in Elsweyr....