I like very much the textures, but here's a bit of constructive criticism:
1. They are quite dark, to the point where details cannot be distinguised, especially on those nice borders (I hope no one will start telling me how to adjust my monitor now - it is really fine the way it is, lol!
). Raising the brightness a notch will greatly improve the general outlook.
2. Although it is a good begining, using 2 mipmaps is not even close to what you need for architecture texture... We've had this discussion before about your Dwarven textures, if you remember, as they were looking grainy from distance - Vivec still looks quite grainy in those screenies. I'd recommend using ~5 mipmaps, it is the best balance of detail when close-to-medium distance, while keeping the realism of it fading with longer distance.
3. Due to the near lack of mip-maps, there might also be a performance hit on some systems using MGE with Distant View: as you know, mip-maps are greatly helping on that (probably someone more versed in MGE can give more detail).
Other than that, they look great - I will surely implement them in my game at some point, especially if you will correct the above...
I know you can't really test in-game (or do you now?), but give it a try anyhow...