Apathetic NPCs...A query

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:24 am

It's always struck me as odd that NPCs don't react to events in a cell, unless said reaction results in attacking the PC. I'd like to change that behavior, but I don't know how!

Okay, here's the deal. A high ranking NPC is surrounded by his peers servants, guards, and entertainers. He drops dead for no apparent reason, and there is no reaction at all... Nobody yells "Fetch a Doctor!" or "Call 911!" in fact, everyone just continues wandering aimlessly.. The extent of their apathy is astounding. If somebody sets fire to the room, they will still continue wandering aimlessly until they drop dead. I find that disturbing, on some level, how about you?

So, for the noble in question, I created an invisible creature and set the noble to startcombat with it just a few seconds before he died. Before death, he then yelled at the opponent, but didn't draw a weapon presumably because he didn't know where his enemy was. Nobody else in the room reacted at all, and after his death, the party of the aimless went on.

I don't want a visible opponent, because he has no place in the story, and it would be somewhat immersion breaking if this combat occurred, but i really want to see some excitement about an assassination taking place in their midst. Is there any way to achieve this?

It's not really critical, but for realism's sake, it would be nice.

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Hussnein Amin
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:58 pm

You could script some movement and maybe have the NPCs shout out some voice clips? :shrug:
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Katie Pollard
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