i know they do different things and ASIS doesn't deal with vendoring spells. But, ASIS should take the Apocalypse spells and put them on NPCS to cast (haven't run into that yet.)
And, haven't seen the new spells yet on a vendor (Apoc said the spells show up on vendors who would normally sell spells.) Guess I can run to Whiterun then to check with the court wizard. I just thought this first guy might sell them.
UPDATE: i ran to Whiterun and the court wizard sells them. but i attacked him and he just used the same usual spells. now im trying to make sure ASIS worked in this regard with the new spells...
So far, I haven't seen a new Apocalypse spell cast by an NPC - I know I'm only in Whiterun but still..... What gives? help!
P.S. I put the special INI referenced in the Apoc FAQ section in place at the bottom as well..