Appearing offline boosting noobs = FAIL

Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:39 pm

This is to all the players sending messages to all friends and recent players about appearing offline when boosting so Crytek doesn't see what you're doing.

You do realise it doesn't make you invisible to Crytek? This is their game, they get all the stats, how do you think they get all the stats for the Leaderboards? Appearing offline won't hide the fact you just got 85k in a relay match because your xbox sent them the facts at the end of the game. lmfao.

So yeah all this myth does is make it harder for your friends to join or invite you to a party.

Amazed at how gullible gamers can be these days, I still get those send this message to all your friends for 600MSP's...........

Plus from what I can tell, if it's in the game, and it's not a hack/cheat, there isn't, or shouldn't be anything wrong with it. I mean Crytek knew about the relay boosting and left it in after the last patch didn't they?

But main point is though, don't go offline, all it's doing is making you look stupid.
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Robert Devlin
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