We know Crysis was a very good game, hell it was awesome in almost every aspect and this post is in no way aimed to diminish its accomplishments. We also all know Crysis 2 took on different directions incertain areas which have split parts of the fanbase...in particular I see a lot of back and forth is the dreaded open world VS action bubbles arguments.
Now...it is silly to argue about personal tastes but it is wrong to call Crytek "lazy" or "sell outs" for their decision to ditch the open world setting in crysis 2. Even if Crysis had been a PC only game the open world environment would have been abandoned in favor of the action bubbles setting since the reason behind it is not a purely technical one but a more artistic one.
The original Crysis came out in 07/08, it's now 2011 and crysis 2 is being released now that's a 3 years developement cycle....a cheap quick buck game (like some have called crysis 2) does not take a 3 years cycle. A quick aned cheap game does not have a 12 hours campaign mode.
But enough of that, I am digressing. What Nathan and other Crytek devs stated many times before is that in Crysis 2 they want to tell an awesome story.....argue as much as you like but an open world is setting is not yet fir for such task. Bioware is arguably one of the best storytelling studios and they know this well. Dragon age origins was in the works for 5+ years before the console version tagged along and STILL the basic idea was not to have an open world even when the game was supposed to be pc only (I could say the same about BG2....). Conversely Bethesday makes story driven RPGs too but invariably (TES...FO3) they deliver amazing open worlds but the story falls short compared to other titles because of the very nature of their setting.
Like it or not this decision was not a cop out....people should stop spouting to the dev team.