Vanilla Oblivion is peanuts. It is good that modders make it harder. I bet you won?t get far after visiting Ayleid ruin that is infested with Azhklan Trolls. No business there if under 25-30 level.
Good for you. As the dissenting voice, I'll retort that I _
loathe_ this "piledriver" approach to mod design; simply stuffing a dungeon full of the toughest monsters you can find is cheap, easy and unimaginative. And it is almost invariably compounded by the lowest-item-on-the-potion-list-behind-very-hard-locks paradigm and topped with the "If you win, you get this Sword of Doom + 1M damage! See? Game balance!"
I played the last two dungeons of LOST SPIRES with the console "kill" command I was so bored with those "brilliant" design ideas.
Until a modder rewrites the actual A.I. routines (so mobs can seek cover, use concealment, retreat to recuperate, etc) there is no *fun* I can have wading in such waters, only busywork.
Good thing is: mods are always optional - it's just too bad so many of them are *stellar* in every other department. Previously mentioned LOST SPIRES comes to mind.
Just my dissenting 2cents,