ApplyCrossFade does not work as expected

Post » Fri Feb 14, 2014 1:44 am

I a trying to create a new spell which effectively applies some ImageSpace Modififers (ISMods) to the player screen in succession. As I am new to this Modding business and my Papyrus knowledge is low, I checked in the Creation Kit pages for this and came across the ApplyCrossFade function for ISMods:

"Applies this image-space modifier to the cross-fade modifier chain, fading between the last one on the chain and this one over the specified duration."

To test all this I create a couple of static ISMods, AlphaFX and BetaFX; create a new effect; and attach this Papyrus script to that effect:

Scriptname TestScript extends ActiveMagicEffect; PROPERTIESImageSpaceModifier property AlphaFX auto ; First ISModImageSpaceModifier property BetaFX auto ; Second ISMod; EVENTSEvent OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster);    Debug.Notification("AlphaFX")    AlphaFX.ApplyCrossFade(5.0)    utility.wait(5.0);    Debug.Notification("BetaFX")    BetaFX.ApplyCrossFade(5.0);    Debug.Notification("The End")EndEvent

My expectation is that this should:

1) from a clear view, fade in AlphaFX over a period of 5 seconds;

2) from AlphaFX, fade in BetaFX over a period of 5 seconds.

When I actually try it, what happens is:

1) AlphaFX is applied in full instantly;

2) AlphaFX fades to a clear view over 5 seconds (more of less);

3) from a clear view, BetaFX fades in over 5 seconds.

I am trying something like: Clear fades to AlphaFX, then AlphaFX fades to BetaFX. What I get is: AlphaFX fades to Clear, then Clear fades to BetaFX. Why? What am I doing wrong?

Thank for you help.


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