Applying visual effect to enchanted weapon?

Post » Wed Jan 01, 2014 12:45 pm

I can't seem to get this to work.

My WIP has been the Mace of Disruption, which is essentially a mace version of Dawnbreaker, but with Sun Damage instead of Fire.

The item works fine, but I can't get any visual effect applied to the weapon, the way any other enchantment is on a weapon. The audio (when you sheath/unsheath the weapon) is there, but that's it.

As of right now, there are 3 effects on the weapon.

1. Meridia's Retribution

2. Sun Damage (10)

3. Sun Damage to Undead (20)

When I equip the weapon like this, there is no visual effect. Got it. I have tried changing the EnchantShader for all three effects, but that doesn't seem to do anything. I've tried EnchFireFXShader, thinking that would be the one for normal fire enchantments. I would try changing the EnchantArt, but there are only like 10 options to choose from, and none of them seem to be anywhere near what I want.

Am I doing something wrong?

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Joey Bel
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Post » Wed Jan 01, 2014 2:11 pm

It's setup that way in the game and can't be changed in the CK.

If you want say for example, your sword to ACTUALLY be on fire you have to create the mesh yourself and slap a particle effect on it. No 3D program has a plugin that can import a particle system at the moment.

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El Goose
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Post » Thu Jan 02, 2014 12:35 am

If you want the Dawnbreaker effect you will need to copy the nifs for your mace (rename) and copy the nif node from the dawnbreakersword and paste it into your mace nifs, re-arrange it's position and save, you can copy the node as Block -> Copy Branch and then in the other nif Block -> Paste Branch. You should be looking for dawnbreakerSwordFX01 NiNode from the 1st person and dawnbreakerSwordFX NiNode.

Be carefull the 1st person dawnbreaker nif has a slightly different set up to the weapon nif, make sure you copy and paste from and to the right ones.

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