I can't seem to get this to work.
My WIP has been the Mace of Disruption, which is essentially a mace version of Dawnbreaker, but with Sun Damage instead of Fire.
The item works fine, but I can't get any visual effect applied to the weapon, the way any other enchantment is on a weapon. The audio (when you sheath/unsheath the weapon) is there, but that's it.
As of right now, there are 3 effects on the weapon.
1. Meridia's Retribution
2. Sun Damage (10)
3. Sun Damage to Undead (20)
When I equip the weapon like this, there is no visual effect. Got it. I have tried changing the EnchantShader for all three effects, but that doesn't seem to do anything. I've tried EnchFireFXShader, thinking that would be the one for normal fire enchantments. I would try changing the EnchantArt, but there are only like 10 options to choose from, and none of them seem to be anywhere near what I want.
Am I doing something wrong?