Applies to PC version - Legendary Edition.
Hi, I'm having problems using the Ice Spike destuction magic spell. My character has 29 for destruction and I have unlocked the "Apprentice Destruction" perk. Its not as if the character does'nt have enough magic to start with (100), I equip it wtih the right hand and proceed to use it, observe the magic bar being drained a little, release the moust button but nothing hapens... this is not the first time I've noticed this before in this game with the last couple of charcters I created using magic that requires at least 25 to work in any of the schools of magic. All the novice magic that my character (Nord with predominately 1H, blocking and a little magic for combat) has at default when he starts, works fine. But anything else has always given me problems. I've read up on the Wiki with aspects of this and browsed these forums, but can't figure out what is wrong here. I'm hoping this is not a bug...
Thanks in advance...