Aquatic Life Is Bad

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:06 pm

It is but I dont like underwater stuff in games anyway.

There is more than enough content in this game already and this if before mods and DLCs from Betheda

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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:12 am

I was a little bit dissapointed too. I was expecting full-fledged aquatic life, underwater dungeons or some kind of secret chests or other goodies. I literally swam down a whole river and a bunch of pools around the world expecting to find something and found it really boring. Mudcrabs, harvestable fish, the occasional piranha and the same old algae everywhere. Not to mention the underwater view is horrid.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:34 am

Underwater caves/dungeons! They could make you need to invest in a water breathing potion, or actually make use of the water breathing enchantment.
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Mimi BC
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:38 pm

Only thing I've noticed improved is that it has some more fish in it, and that's that!
Aquatic life looks boring and dull while it has so much potential.
Why they didn't put some more water creatures like sea serpents and maybe even a kraken-like creature here and there?
Also, where are all the underwater plants?

I'm sorry, but I believe that they did a poor job when it comes to underwater world and really hope that they will improve it via DLCs.

What are your thoughts on this?

It would be nice, although it is hardly the first TES game with little in the way of underwater activity (though I do like sunken ships, any sunken ships). Morrowind was probably the most fleshed out in this area, but even it was pretty sparse and you wouldn't have missed much if you never got your feet wet.

I guess since it is an area that not much can be done in unless you're playing an Argonian or have invested in the right magic or potion (and as they are limited duration...) to let you breath down there it wasn't a super high priority when it came to fleshing it out for exploration. Doesn't break immersion for me either since I guess I have no real reason to expect to find anything in the water except fish and water plants, both of which are there (though as I said before it would be nice if there was more, just it doesn't matter to much to me that there isn't)..
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Emilie M
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:19 am

You're wrong. We could've both good dungeons and water areas if Bethesda would've spent a little more time and effort but they were like "hey wait a second people will buy the game anyway regardless if we put water monsters there or not so why waste time and effort?"

Every character, every single one, can adventure fully on land. Adventuring under water isn't something every character can do, at least not without a little preparation and forethought. Granted, it might not be too difficult to get ready for some time under water, but still.

It would be a nice option, but the land is more important. At a default the only thing that should logically be expected to exist in the water are aquatic animal life and plants, anything else is nice, but Bethesda has given us water with a minimum of what water should have (there always seems to be a lot of fish in mine).
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:24 am

You know the first time I saw salmon jumping up a waterfall I was thrilled. Still am. But then I remember how bad it was in MW and OB.

Seriously OP they improve something and all you can say is that it's not enough? Do they EVER put enough cheese on your cheeseburger?
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Gen Daley
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:49 pm

I agree. They should have invested an entire art team and graphics department on aquatic life in a game where you spend 99.99% of the time on ground. *durp*

You obviously never played Morrowind.

I think the underwater environment is a vast improvement over Oblivion, there's more vegetation and fish, the water generally looks better (IMO) the current in streams is a very nice touch...I will agree it could be a lot better, being able to use that static fishing pole would be nice, maybe some sort of fishing mini-game and as stated above the water surface line is a bit distracting but really I don't think the underwater environment was the games main combat underwater is more realistic (IMO) just imagine trying to hit a fairly small fish with a sword underwater in real life, not being able to defend against the threat of a slaughterfish attack simply makes going into the water more dangerous.
And if you think there's nothing to find in the haven't looked around enough.

Will give it a shoot.
The problem is that, unlike Morrowind, I never felt a need to go underwater and explore.

I miss the fact that unlike oblivion (since we have linear dungeons) we do not have secret access tunnels or places with an entrance only under water (if I am wrong please share). I do not count the half of a castle sticking out of the water which was partially flooded.

I'm glad that people actually notice this!

Maybe you have your settings ultra low; my water on the Xbox looks absolutely amazing, there are DOZENS of underwater plants on the bottom, and there are generally schools of fish everywhere.


I find fish tanks more interesting than Skyrim underwater world.
Also, if you even dunked your head in sea, you would notice how Skyrim underwater world was actually meh.

Morrowind was the last game to really give a reason to go underwater from time to time. There were not many in Oblivion. Is there even a reason in Skyrim? I have not found it yet and don't tell me if there is in this section of the boards.

Anyway, even Morrowind was barren underwater in most places. Could they have done more? Sure, but if the game play does not make you go under water a bunch, then I see no reason to spend resources making what's below the water more interesting.

Agreed, but what I have issue with here is also lack of underwater exploration (I forgot to put that in the OP).
Of course it's pointless to have an awesome underwater world, but not have any motivation to actually go and explore it.
Underwater world as whole in Skyrim is kinda meh.
Yes, it's an improvement over Oblivion in some aspects, but still, it's not enough.
Also, having more interesting underwater world with places to explore and more creatures present, would actually give Waterbreathing spell a purpose (I never ever found myself in need of using it).

You know the first time I saw salmon jumping up a waterfall I was thrilled. Still am. But then I remember how bad it was in MW and OB.

Seriously OP they improve something and all you can say is that it's not enough? Do they EVER put enough cheese on your cheeseburger?

Funny coincidence, but just the other day I wend on a cheeseburger with my friend and we were discussing how we were happy with the amount of cheese we have on it when compared to others.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:55 pm

There is SO much space out on the northern shores, islands even. Nothing at all to se out there. So much wasted space.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:49 pm

There is SO much space out on the northern shores, islands even. Nothing at all to se out there. So much wasted space.

Perhaps they should put some hermit priests plagued by daedra? :v
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:38 pm

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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:28 am

I'm still waiting for my Kollops and Grottos.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:18 am

If you count the Mudcrabs as aquatic, I think they look more menacing now than in the previous TES games.

The mudcrabs look better, you say? Ah well that changes everything! Put the pitchforks down guys. False alarm.

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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:00 am

I agree, somewhat. I love the fact they've included fish and water plants (although all the plants seem to be the same species /nitpicking) but there's just... nothing to do down there! Even in Pilgrim's Trench -- maybe I've missed something, but the boats... is there supposed to be bugger all to do with them? I found a chest with some gold and barrels with food in. Is that it?

There's a massive amount of water to swim around in, but absolutely no reason for doing so.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:21 am

What about the poor horkers? everyone seems to be forgetting about them.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:06 am

Im sorry theres not enough flipping fish.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:53 am

I've found a fair few chest and random things underwater, no complaints there, I am a bit sad that I haven't found any underwater caves or secret entrances, horkers kinda svck now too.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:20 pm

the fact that Argonians can breathe under water, is a pretty good reason to have more stuff under water - those guys get forgotten all the time. Personally I love exploring the water. I'm not really disappointed with it, but it would be nice to find more rare treasures and more sunken castles because I reckon I've found 90% of it already, compared to about 10% on land. Caves behind waterfalls would be cool.
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:55 am

So sick of finding Aquatic FOXIES walking along the sea-floor.

And marine Rabbits
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:02 am

It's not lazyness, it's called having PRIORITIES. Would you rather they made the water really interesting but then only had COPY&PASTE dungeons? :facepalm:

EDIT: Thank goodness there are other people who realise that not including something =/= lazyness.

What exactly were Bethesda's priorities? People paid for the entire game, but only some of it is worth playing (assuming you can get past the poor interface and simplified design)
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:54 am

And marine Rabbits

And foxes, goats or whatever feels like it, maybe we're not looking at the big picture, on the whole there are more animals in the water than ever :rofl:
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Cat Haines
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:51 pm

I think we should be able to fish with a fishing pole. The only way to fish is to run in and grab them directly. Not too much to complain about given the previous game only had clams and limited vegetation anyways.

Bah. Real fishermen aren't afraid to get wet. Ever wonder how Bears became so strong? By throwing away the poles and CATCHING THE FISH WITH THEIR BEAR HANDS! Duh!
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:58 am

Guess it doesn't matter for most people, but my number one favorite part of Morrowind was all its underwater content. Especially once all the crazy creatures and fish were added in through mods. Exciting underwater exploration has been on my top 5 most wanted things in an rpg ever since.

Both Skyrim and Oblivion are sorta a let down here, but its definitely not game destroying. I kept waiting for a killer whale to attack my roomate when he was swimming in the north ....alas nothing dangerous lurks in these northern waters.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:33 pm

Why not focus a little more on underwaterlife though? I mean just a couple dangerous monsters in a few waterways would make a huge improvement. Hell just make some sharks. Use same animations for slaughterfish. Add maybe an underwater Dreugh from Morrowind or something and were satisfied. However they really should have just said eff the 11/11/11 release date and released it in early 2012. I would wait a a few months for this game to get some more much needed polish. The game is fun but there is so much more they should have put in and fixed before releasing.

Really there is a distinct lack of monster variety in Skyrim imo period. It is nice that they made some monsters like the Draugr more varied but still there are what a couple troll-types, Ice wraiths, Giants, Dragons, Draugr, Dragon priests, Horkers, Spiders, Dwemer constructs, Falmer, Chaurus', and Atronachs. Sure...lots of animals, but not that many monsters. Why no ogres? Why no random Werewolves or werebears even prowling around? Or minotaurs? Dreugh? They were right at home in the Jerall mountains in Oblivion if cold and climate was an issue. Why no spectres/ghosts, regular zombies and liches(Dragon Priests kind of count I guess)? Undead would be fine in the cold. Why no Ogrim, Aurorans, Clannfears, Spider Daedra, the trademark SCAMP, Winged Twilights, Xivilai, Daedroth, Golden Saints, Dark Seducers, and all the daedra available as summons? Not like they stopped existing. We can still summon them from Oblivion lore-wise. Instead we got Atronachs,a spectral wolf and Dremora...really? I doubt all the mages from Oblivion onward forgot how to summon all those Daedra.

I would trade dragons for that

The Lore got a lot of big eff yous this time around and I don't like it very much. However life goes on. Somethings should stay in Cyrodiil sure but the above mentioned things would have no problem getting into Skyrim. With how close they were to the border in some cases they practically already were.

Great game and it has a lot of cool stuff but I and I am sure many others would trade a lot of those new features for the above critters being in the game and populating the world.
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emily grieve
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:47 am

Very, very true.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:04 am

There will always be one more thing that would be cool to be added, the fact you found something you wish a game had doesn't make the designers lazy for not sharing your idea. It's frankly more laziness on your part for not thinking this sort of thing through and just indulging in knee jerk responses like "game makers only want your money for as little effort possible".
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