I agree. They should have invested an entire art team and graphics department on aquatic life in a game where you spend 99.99% of the time on ground. *durp*
You obviously never played Morrowind.
I think the underwater environment is a vast improvement over Oblivion, there's more vegetation and fish, the water generally looks better (IMO) the current in streams is a very nice touch...I will agree it could be a lot better, being able to use that static fishing pole would be nice, maybe some sort of fishing mini-game and as stated above the water surface line is a bit distracting but really I don't think the underwater environment was the games main focus...no combat underwater is more realistic (IMO) just imagine trying to hit a fairly small fish with a sword underwater in real life, not being able to defend against the threat of a slaughterfish attack simply makes going into the water more dangerous.
And if you think there's nothing to find in the water...you haven't looked around enough.
Will give it a shoot.
The problem is that, unlike Morrowind, I never felt a need to go underwater and explore.
I miss the fact that unlike oblivion (since we have linear dungeons) we do not have secret access tunnels or places with an entrance only under water (if I am wrong please share). I do not count the half of a castle sticking out of the water which was partially flooded.
I'm glad that people actually notice this!
Maybe you have your settings ultra low; my water on the Xbox looks absolutely amazing, there are DOZENS of underwater plants on the bottom, and there are generally schools of fish everywhere.
I find fish tanks more interesting than Skyrim underwater world.
Also, if you even dunked your head in sea, you would notice how Skyrim underwater world was actually meh.
Morrowind was the last game to really give a reason to go underwater from time to time. There were not many in Oblivion. Is there even a reason in Skyrim? I have not found it yet and don't tell me if there is in this section of the boards.
Anyway, even Morrowind was barren underwater in most places. Could they have done more? Sure, but if the game play does not make you go under water a bunch, then I see no reason to spend resources making what's below the water more interesting.
Agreed, but what I have issue with here is also lack of underwater exploration (I forgot to put that in the OP).
Of course it's pointless to have an awesome underwater world, but not have any motivation to actually go and explore it.
Underwater world as whole in Skyrim is kinda meh.
Yes, it's an improvement over Oblivion in some aspects, but still, it's not enough.
Also, having more interesting underwater world with places to explore and more creatures present, would actually give Waterbreathing spell a purpose (I never ever found myself in need of using it).
You know the first time I saw salmon jumping up a waterfall I was thrilled. Still am. But then I remember how bad it was in MW and OB.
Seriously OP they improve something and all you can say is that it's not enough? Do they EVER put enough cheese on your cheeseburger?
Funny coincidence, but just the other day I wend on a cheeseburger with my friend and we were discussing how we were happy with the amount of cheese we have on it when compared to others.