This is a direct follow-up to "An-Arane Cey: Lost Sword of the Ayleids". You can visit the RELz thread for it and should if you plan on playing this mod when it's completed. It will require the sword in order to even begin the questline.
An-Arane Cey: Lost Sword of the Ayleids Release Thread:
And our sister thread on the TES Alliance Forums-
Goal: Armor of the Fallen will add 3 new dungeons, a puzzling questline, new Smith NPC and Forge dealing exclusively in Red and Blue Welkynd weaponry. It will also add a set of re-textured, unenchanted Elven Armor, decked out in welkynd stone and includes the Helm and a Shield.
The shield will be enchanted with Reflect Damage/Reflect Spell and perhaps another goodie or two to make it really worthwhile and will have both Red and Blue Welkynd stone inset on the face.
Plot: Meridia has a need of you, Traveler. By freeing An-Arane Cey from her long imprisonment, you have chosen yourself as her champion. A long hidden shrine has been fouled by the presence of an ancient spirit and you, and the sword, are required to cleanse her shrine.
It is not so simple as killing a spirit. You must first open the way, delving into the depths of mysterious dungeons to open the hidden locks barring your path. The journey will be hard, the dungeons challenging and the rewards great.
If you succeed, you will emerge with the thanks of a god and a magnificent and unique set of armor as your trophy.
Points of Interest:
-If you are interested in using something from one of our mods as a resource, please PM WhoGuru or Da Mage to request permission before taking it.
-This quest will be prompted to start after the final journal entry of Lost Sword. You'll need to have the sword with you to make it through this quest as it will be required to open certain doors for you.
-There will be no map markers for these quests. You'll have to rely on your own ingenuity, knowledge of Cyrodiil's layout and the information provided to get where you need to be.
-We will be including a side quest to add a smith dealing in, you guessed it, Welkynd Stone Weaponry.
Story = 100%
dungeon design = 30%
Weaponry design= 50%
Armor design= 50%
Quests = 40%
Dialogue = 20%
TES IV: Oblivion
Lost Sword of the Ayleids - - questline completed.
Darkseed Team:
Da Mage - Textures, Coding & CS
WhoGuru - Writing & Dialogue
DarkRider - Voice Overs/Adviser
WillieSea - Adviser
CoolShady - Executive Engineer

Ysne58 - Beta Tester Extraordinaire
DUNGEONS - In Progress
Da Mage
-The first dungeon is nearing completion, at least for the building phase! Looks fantastic and with a great story of it's own!
-The arrow textures are done. We'll be moving on to the rest of the weapons shortly I think.

-Ganon is well on his way to modeling a truly wonderful set of armor for us. Shadow's ready to take over with the textures. Actually he's drooling to have a go at it.
-Dialogue is coming along, though we keep adding new characters in need of it everyday. LOL Voice actors are going to have their work cut out for them.
-Honor01 has joined the team as a builder and will be working on dungeon design!
-Weapons are more than half complete now and looking amazing.
-We're still in need of an armor modeler. Lord_Ganondorf has left the project citing real life concerns and we wish him well. We're not worried about the lack at the moment. We have plenty of time.

-The weapons textures and glow maps are complete! They look incredible.
-CoolShady has signed on in a trial basis to take a stab at creating a dungeon for us and has come up with a spectacular and original mini-quest for it as well. He's proving to be a great addition to the team in a short space of time!
-After a very nasty and irrational meltdown over a perceived insult from another modder, Shadowhider has left the team. Those who've been paying attention will be aware, I'm sure, this isn't the first such blowout from him. We are happily waving to his back and looking forward to a drama free future. We have also taken down the work he's done to this point. We want a clean break.
Never fear. Turns out there was more than one Texturer eager to have a go at this mod!

-CoolShady's first dungeon is turning out to be a marvel! A wonderfully original design that, even incomplete, we just had fun wandering through and looking at stuff! He's truly a find!
-We've settled on a final look for the weapons textures and it is AMAZING! The new darker look REALLY makes the Welkynd stone stand out! New images posted above!
-The armor textures are coming along beautifully as well! Looking more incredible every day! We are still in need of a MODELER to tweak the female version of the Elven Armor. Please PM if you're interested! Thanks!
-Just added the new Quivers and arrows!! They are mind blowing! Truly amazing!
-Daggers are up! The blades are truly impressive!
-Claymores are finished and added! Woo! Weapons are coming along nicely as is the building phase!
-We are STILL in need of a modeler for the female version of the Elven Armor. Please contact us!
-Work goes on! The holiday season has slowed things a bit but we're still plugging away here. Two of five dungeons are in progress, one near completion, weapons half finished and our armor has amazing new textures! Dialogue is coming along nicely as well, even as Mage piles more on me daily!

-We've made a slight adjustment to the size of our mod. Rather than the Five dungeons we had initially planned, we will be doing Three now, in addition to a forge for our Smith. This makes the work load more manageable and helps us ensure that release will come sooner after the new year rather than later.

-It's slow going at the moment. School is once more taking up most of Mage's time. Never fear, we're still plugging away at it. It may take us a bit longer than planned but we'll get her done! Shady is still working on his marvelous dungeon as well. The locations in this mod are turning out to be incredibly unique and visually just fun to walk around in!

-Mage is back at it. He's now working on the final dungeon and has some brilliant ideas! No spoilers! CoolShady has passed his dungeon off to me for some cluttering to give him a break for time to work on other stuff. We're getting closer every day!
-Not forgotten.

work will start again in earnest on this once is released. The wait is because I have some work to do for Rider on RST. Mage is helping him out as well here and there.
There was one casualty though. Thanks to mother nature and a hellacious storm last month, my boot drive was fried along with my Oblivion installation and most of my backups. Sadly, CoolShady's dungeon has been lost. It was brilliant. I'm still searching about to see if I don't have an earlier copy of it stashed away somewhere that can be rebuilt.