Version 2.0 - Some major changes and upgrades have been made. If you're updating your old install or downloading for the first time, Be sure to check the Read-me for instructions!
Link to our first thread -
Centuries ago, in the time of Alessia, an Ayleid Prince commissioned a weapon to destroy his enemies. An-Arane Cey, the King's Shadow. He fell before the swords completion and it was hidden away until one of his successors would come to claim her. You are that successor and will have to follow a treasure hunt of clues across Cyrodiil to claim your well earned prize. <
Lost Sword of the Ayleids is a treasure hunt mod.
There are no map markers.
You will have to rely on your own ingenuity and knowledge of Cyrodiil's landscape to find each location.
The clues, in combination with the journal hints, should give you ample information to point you in the right direction.
The reward is a custom made sword that has a recharge ability along with other
useful enchantments. We haven't timed the quest, but it should take you awhile
to do it as there are a number of dungeons you have to raid in order to do the quest.
Lost Sword is designed to begin once you've had a good night's sleep.
Find a bed and get horizontal for at least eight hours.
The quest will begin with a short video clip.
The sword is crafted from Welkynd Stone, for those who ask why the blade is blue. It was initially based on an Elven Longsword though the original stats have been bumped up. It's the enchantments that truly make this a blade worth having. It is unique.
The end boss battle of this quest is no walk through the park. Come prepared and remember to save first. My level 20 character got pasted to the floor the first time.
-If you've been experiencing the bug where the final clue fails to spawn properly, download and install the update esp to fix the issue.
- The quest stages before the final dungeon are randomized, so that it is slightly different
each time you play. There may be a lag of several seconds between when you click on the scroll
and when it actually opens. This is due to the randomizer.
- The sword's recharge ability has been changed so that it only require 8 kills before it is
recharged. ALso, the amount of uses has been increased.
- An-Arane Cey (the sword) is now a leveled weapon, and will also level with you. To level
up the sword, simply re-equip the sword.
- The final zone in the last dungeon has had a complete makeover.
- The final battle has been made harder, with a host of new features added in.
- Some general bugfixes.
- The files have been re-organised, to make them tidier.
We now have some optional add-ons for you to customize the mod to have certain features. All add-ons
must be loaded on after the main .esp use OBMM to do this.
- 1. Claymore Version -
This replaces all versions of the An-Arane Cey sword with a similar claymore version of it. Stats have
also been changed.
To install simply copy the files into the ...oblivion\data directory and then check the esp.
- 2. OBSE Recharging Script -
This is a small add-on that replaces the recharge feature on the sword with a more polished version
using OBSE scripts. REQUIRES OBSE v15 or later.
To install simply copy the esp into the ...oblivion\data directory and then check the esp.
Darkseed Team:
WhoGuru - Writing & Dialogue
Da Mage - Textures, Coding & CS
DarkRider - Voice Overs/Adviser
Varus Torvyn - Technical Adviser/Textual Adviser
Knite 0 da nine - Jack of all trades
Shadowhider - Textures/Graphics
WillieSea - Adviser and Sword Savior Extraordinaire
**If you are using the Unique Landscape-Arrius Creek, the tallest waterfall below the Belda ruins will be gone. Thanks to the UL team, there is now a patch. Please download the Lost Sword-Arrius Creek Patch here:
None Known.
TES IV: Oblivion Patched to v1.2.0416
At TES Nexus=
WhoGuru - Message at or
Da Mage - Message at or
DarkRider - Message at or
Bethesda Softworks - For making such a great game and the CS
Shivering Isles DLC for the use of a handy script.

Blender Foundation
You cannot re-release this mod in any form without permission from the Darkseed Team.
If you do we will hunt you down and do horrific things to your pet/s.

User Reviews:
Are you planning on making more mods similar to this one?
Not to mention the awesome weapon reward.
The video intro was a nice touch.
What an ending! Thought I might have my backside handed to me, but my Level 59 Breton Spellsword won the sword, and emerged from melee combat with only minor scratches.
He was well-equipped:
1. Perfect Madness Armor (top-leveled).
2. Apocalypse Sword.
3. Escutcheon of Chorrol (top-leveled).
4. Ring of Perfection.
5. Mundane Ring.
6. Top-Leveled "Cruelty" amulet from the DB.
I really enjoyed how the scene switched between 1st & 3rd-person. Soundtrack & graphics are fabulous (but I thought the Ayleid Skeleton's nose looked a bit funny).
Thought I was going to have a tough time of it, so before he even started his first swing, I had a summoned Dremora Lord on-hand (120 seconds) with three Fortify spells cast on him for Strength, HP, & Magicka (each spell boosted all three). Then I hit a hotkey & summoned the Midas Angel (she loves to fight undead things).
omg.... I even quickly hit "F3" so I could select my "Nuclear Option" (Midas Summon Balrog) :rofl:
Now that's desperation - the Balrog will kill all your enemies first, then come after whoever summoned him. Glad I didn't have to call on him.
Beautiful sword. The flame animation is well-done. Makes me think of Ghost Rider.
Too bad no matching armor, but that's OK.
What in the world is "Ayleid Hunger"?
Question & Answer:
Q: What in the world is "Ayleid Hunger"?
A: Ayleid Hunger is a modified form of Soul Trap. The sword casts this on strike and, after killing a creature, 'Eats' the soul to recharge itself. So, if you're trying to fill soul gems, you'll want to swap weapons for a moment.

Q: Are you planning on making more mods similar to this one?
A: Yes! We are already working on a direct sequel to Lost Sword. In fact, you'll need to have the sword in order to progress in the quest! We are planning on adding a range of weaponry, suit of armor, shield, several new dungeons/locations and more. Stay tuned!
[WIPz]An-Arane Cey: Armor of the Fallen:
This is the sequel to Lost Sword and will carry on the story in new ways. Please visit our WIP thread for more details!
This is a complete remake, hence version 2.0, follow the instructions that apply to you.
1. You do not have any previous version installed.
Copy all the files into your ...oblivion\data directory, then select the esp in the data files
in the oblivion lancher
2. You have a previous version of the mod installed, and have either not started, or finished
the questline.
Sorry folks, but you are going to have to uninstall the older version first. To uninstall the old
You must delete the following folders:
and the following files:
Then copy all the files into your ...oblivion\data directory, then select the esp in the data files
in the oblivion launcher
3. You have a previous version of the mod installed, and are currently following the questline.
You will now have to make a clean save, which will lose your progress, sadly if you update during
the quest it will screw it up.
To make a clean save load up your most recent save, without the mod active. Then save over it.
You can now install the mod following the steps from 2. and restart the quest.
To un-install this mod you must delete the following folders:
and the following files:
that is all.