It's gonna be awesome. There's too many realistic, OHK-filled, leaderboard-obsessive games out there already. I want a breath of fresh air, and that breath is Brink.
It's gonna be awesome. There's too many realistic, OHK-filled, leaderboard-obsessive games out there already. I want a breath of fresh air, and that breath is Brink.
I do really like how they let you see the enemy's health bar when you shoot, but does anyone know if you see their health if you just aim at them? Or is it just if you shoot and hit them?
It seems that yes,leaderboards and k/d is an extra reason for hackers with Homefront the best example,it's leaderboard is a pure advertisment of hacking sites.
Realistic/arcade...a mix of it,a smooth comination of both..
It's gonna be awesome. There's too many realistic, OHK-filled, leaderboard-obsessive games out there already. I want a breath of fresh air, and that breath is Brink.
First decent poll in a bit and I see no reason why people cannot see their KDR if they wish to but keep it as a gimmick feature in that there aren't leaderboards or the ability for other people to look at it.
Boy this isn't baised to say, I don't...the brink fan base...who just happen to sign on to the forums /sarcasm. I've put my opinions of the other items elsewhere but one I haven't mention is "arcade" which is horrific form of gameplay in my opinion and should stay in the realm of 2D. As of course most of you will disagree with this based on the assumpition it goes against your almighy devs...I won't go into detail cus frankly argueing with you all is becoming quite redundant.
We'll see how all the fan fair pans out after release...I don't expect to be suprised.
EDIT: Oh and for the health bar above the enemy...HECK NO!...that is nothing more than yet another handicap. He's only got two health marks that mean anything to me...Alive and Dead. If you aint one, you get him too it as fast as you can, 'nuff said.