"Answers lie not within the mind, but within the question and in observing the situation promptly. Trueth is not a given but a choice of wich to not hide yourself from mysteries and the unknown." ~Sparda Invetious
Journal Entry 3E457 Midas Day 14
At long last I have found it. My Lords Shrine. The general of my ancestors, Saint Nerevar. After so many years of following clues an puzzels of wich seemed so pointless. As we opened the stone made coffin I was shocked to see that his full body was perfectly well preserved. Not even in the lesser tombs of Vvardenfell would you find a slowly decomposed corpse, But this... This is truely amazing. His skin is perfectly set on his structure, although loosing its dark color, It is a wonderous sight. His armor is also wondefull. As my staff glows with its bright light the armor glows with a golden aura, It's as hard as ebony but as light and flexible as Dark brotherhood armor. Wich reminds me. Last night A group of those pesky assassins gained entry into my tower in an attempt to kill me. Very clear they failed obviously. But at a great cost. My apprintice, Donweave, Died defending me. I hold much grief for his passing. He was like a son to me. He would have made a great wizard. Now back to the expedition, Like I said it is fasinating. I now wait for Urshilaku grave keepers to come and remove the shrine and move it to its home in the ashlands. I find myself to bow before it every time I walk by it. I hold as much respect for it as I now hold for the Nerevarine, Who now has left Vvardenfell and where he is at is unknown to me. This is my last entry of the expedition I don't expect to write more in the later days but I will try to remember, It is getting hard for me to focus. The visions have come back. I thought they ended after my child hood. I was wrong......
A chosen path
It was nearly noon as the sun reached it's height and shone through the window shining at the young dunmers face. He flinched a couple of times then took his head off the open book. Again he had forced himself to stay up late to complete his studies on the Tribunal temple. Although he didn't like the thought of following his fathers footsteps in becoming a priest for Vivec. He had his own dream, Of becoming a Telvanni wizard, Like his grandfather. The man He respected more then his own father, Even though he never met him. "Sparda you up? Get out here and help your father plow before it rains." Sparda wiped his eyes and stretched his arms. His tall figure arched as he leaned back. He then stood up and was soon tackled by his sister, Jilhama. "You were talking in your sleep again last night! It was pretty funny." She gave her brother a tight hug then ran back out of the room into the dining area to help clean up the breakfest mess.
Sparda stood back up and messed with his silver hair wich grew halfway down his neck, then walked outside of the small shack like house to find his father plowing the garden. "Well finally you woke up Boy! Hurry grab a plow and help me get this done so we can plant some saltrice before it rains." Sparda nodded then grabbed the extra plow that leaned against the house outside wall. He then joined his father and plowed. It was faster then his father thought they were done in only a few minutes and they son planted the seeds and were done. Sparda put his plow away then headed down to lake Amaya.
He picked out his usual spot, a single flat boulder wich he sat ontop of. The sun reached halfway into the sky, making the lake sparkle as its waves rippled across. He stared out to thedistance across the lake to the north. His red eyes narrowed as he say flashes of light. He squinted a bit and his eyes focused closer and he saw two mages practicing their spells. Soon his attention was Diverted as his mother yelled out to him. Yet again it was time to visit the City of vivec. Sparda jumped down off of the rock and walked quickly to join his family, occasionaly looking back across the lake.