While playing as my Patriarch of the Temple, I figured there isn't really much that I can do.
So far, I have made a retextured blue and white robe for the Archcanon to wear (Tholer Saryoni and Gavas Drin wear them too). Saryoni gives you his robe from his own back and then wears his default, purple one. Gavas Drin (Lord Archcanon in Mournhold) always wears his Archcanon Robe. Some dialog has been fixed:
- Tholer Saryoni doesn't introduce himself as the Patriarch when you are.
- Gavas Drin will introduce himself as Lord Archcanon and Archpatriarch (yes, taken from these forums

- Temple Masters will not ask you if you've been lax in your duties if you are Patriarch.
Now I'm trying to think of ideas for some things that the Patriarch can do. So far I have a small list:
- Get a new robe from the previous Archcanon
- Get a personal Ordinator that will follow you into battle,
- Get blessings from Lord Vivec,
- If you've finished the Morrowind Main Quest, tell people about the reorganization of the Temple,
- If you've finished the Tribunal Main Quest, tell people about Almalexia and Sotha Sil,
- Teleportation between Temples,
- Give Sermons to lower-ranking members (pretty much everyone) in the Temple.
I'm also hoping to get some ideas for quests that can be given out by Gavas Drin (or little requests from Tholer Saryoni)...
This mod will require Tribunal. What this topic is for is to gather ideas for some things that the Patriarch can do, or feedback on what I have so far.
Note: I am aware of the "Patriarch's Privilages" mod, and that's partially what gave me the inspiration for this.