Archery, stealth, light armor, smithing, enchanting. I didn't even bother using a 1 handed weapon anymore after I got the knockback effect.
Race doesn't matter. Only in the beginning will it make a small difference, but in the end everyone can use any skill just as well so chose a race you like the look of.
I use companions, but leave them outside of dungeons as a lookout. I walk everywhere and sneaking takes too long, so having a meatshield with you out in the open helps. In dungeons they get in the way, trigger traps you can simply walk over/avoid and ruin your stealth. The added advantage is that if they are waiting outside you can load them up with you loot so you have enough room in your inventory for the next place you're clearing out

if you give them a bow they will use it and won't get in your wayy so often.
I put 1 point in sneak, then focussed on archery and smithing until I could get the 3x multiplier to bow sneak attacks. Smithing can be overpowered, so I try and keep that at the same level as my highest skills sneak/archery which worked out pretty well so far. I started enchanting a bit later, only bought the first point so far. I have 1 bow with a powerful damage enchant, and a cheap lightweight bow with a soultrap enchant. I use the latter on creatures I want to soultrap only, and use the souls to restore the charges on my main weapon.
Alchemy would nicely complement my build, but I find it tedious so I haven't really bothered. I simply buy my health potions, and only use poisons I find on the hardest kills.