1. I'm sorry if this has been posted before I did not find it.
2. I understand that all the gameplay footage and all the eurogamer threads are based on ALPHA BUILD, no reason to post it now.
3. My opinion on the matter is based on an unfinished game and previouse titles.
"I crept into Riverwood and stuck an arrow in her head, which didn't kill her (damn lack of location damage) - she knew where I was at this point so no bonus damage she started to crawl away begging for her life and moaning piteously; I followed her for a bit and eventually she got up and ran a short way before cowering for her life. I finished her off with an arrow in the behind."
In Oblivion when you fired an arrow into a NPCs face it would normally reappear in thier chest area if it did not kill them. I dont recall what would happen in Morrowind (been a while) but this kind of gameplay irritated me to no end. I for one was a HUGE Oblivion follower of the forums and loved to hear all the Bow combat info I could get! Arrows would bounce off rock, stick in wood and would appear in your foes body!?!?!? ZOMG thats AWESOME... well at least it sounded awesome untill you played it.
How many times did I instantly kill something but when examining the body the arrow was lodged in it's foot or hand leaving me with a "WTF?!" face? 10, 20 times maybe?
How many times did I fire an arrow into the back of a bandits head to have the SOB turn around with a "I see you! have at you!"
Well it's the dawn of a new TES, number 5. massive improvments to graphics! massive improvments to combat!, massive improvments to magic!, finishing moves!, better NPC dialouge!, in game marriage! (if your into that fable crap) and even DRAGONS and you are DRAGONBORN!!!!!.... oh but they yanked Body Location Damage and archery still has the EXACT... same... flaws from the previous title.
Yeah it's waaay to late for them to fix it but it's never to late for them to patch it or DLC it, hell I'll give them another $15 just to have them fix what they should have had in to begin with (Sounds like Bethesda DLC to a T right?)
I just wana know if anyone else feels the same way about it. Agian this is just my opinion of the matter and I respect yours if it's 180 just explain why please