» Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:31 am
If it bleeds, we can kill it any way we damn please.
Arrows aren't hitscan weapons, so you can miss even with an accurate shot if the dragon dodges. The manner in killing a dragon should depend on how aggressive it is. An aggressive dragon can be goaded into unfavorable terrain where you can kill it as you see fit, while a cautious one would try getting you to fight on its terms. I hope combat against them doesn't exclude any of the three disciplines, likely requiring dragons to be highly resistant to arrows, nearly immune to spell damage, and relatively low on HP to make it vulnerable to melee attacks, so every strike against them should be a dramatic moment.
Arrows should still do significant damage, so, with the archery overhaul, every shot is a dramatic moment in battle along the lines of Bard's shot vs. Smaug. Spell casting against a dragon becomes an epic duel between Mage and Dragon that lays waste to the terrain around it, and a warrior's in for a tough struggle against a foe, trying to get into position to strike against the creature while protecting themselves from the counterattack, and emerging triumphant after delivering a few telling blows, each one requiring a great amount of work to land so it's still a satisfying, epic fight without the dragon being a "Damage Sponge".