Dragons encounters aren't scripted, as far as I know. All evidence I've seen or read has pointed to random encounters, and a recent thread supports that. So I doubt they will be "bosses" so much as really powerful creatures. That may also be wishful thinking, though, because a lot of people on here seem to want or expect boss fights like on Gears of War (which I wasn't too fond of). Sure, they remained challenging, but they were limiting. It felt more like a difficult quicktime event than a dramatic battle.
I vote somewhere between "lots and lots" and "they require a melee killing blow". I want the fights to be realistic, not fair. If arrows don't meet that, then I'm going to stab the damn thing until it dies.
I like your answer.
I'm rather disappointed that you can kill dragons at all. I just know it's going to be easier than it should be.
As far as killing them goes I hope it's a bit more intuitive than hack and slash, and I hope you can avoid combat with them or even reason with them.
How the hell do you expect to reason with a harbinger of a world-consuming deity? What can you say to it to convince it to
not free its master from the confines of this world? As a mortal, you have
nothing to offer them. They are resolute in their purpose. There will be blood, no negotiation.
I like to play archers. In previous games, this didn't make my characters less competent in magic or fencing, but this time, you won't be able to take all perks, so I will be really pissed of if I can't kill a dragon with arrows, while a melee player didn't need to shoot arrow to be able to kill the same dragon.
^This. Archers should have no more or less of a challenge than any other combat style against dragons, considering their integral role to the plot of the game, and "Play what you Want to" spirit of the Elder Scrolls Series
so long as your bow is strong and your aim is true im pretty sure eventually even a dragon could fall
I don′t see how bow & arrow be any different then any other weapon (well besides having range of course) it takes what it takes depending on damage and the dragons health.
This is the blunt way of putting it.
Not with your little bow, i think you should have to get a huge stationary crossbow to shoot it down with a huge arrow
And I suppose you'd rather not have it possible to kill a human IRL by hurling a chunk of metal less than 1 cm in any given direction at them?
A Bow is just as capable of putting the hurt on a dragon as a sword, lightning bolt, or fireball.