My archery skill is up to 37, but when I go into the skills screen, it has it as a red number 15. I've checked my status effects, and there is nothing causing me to lose points in archery. I've checked it with everything equipped and nothing equipped, and it still shows the red 15. Did I accidentally trip some quest that reduces it? Or is it a glitch?
Hmm same thing happened to me stuck at 15.Tried to cure disease didnt work and no effects show.Not sure if it has anything to do with location happened to me in Falkreath just in case.
edit:Meh didnt look at bug forums before posting here:P It seems that it is a bug and that it sorts itself out after you level up skill again.Will edit post when i try it out.
edit #2:Works!When you level up skill next time it goes back to normal.