Zoom is all but useless. You don't need it, as you rarely engage in very long range combat (arrows have a limited range anyway), and it doesn't provide any damage boost or additional effect (ie. it's boring). As a result, a character with zero archery perks is not much different from a fully perked archer in terms of gameplay.
Because pure archers early on have no kiting tools other than sprint, which isn't very effective indoors or against enemies that can also sprint, I thought that they should have an ability called Power Draw that knocks back slightly, like a miniature fus ro dah, and replaces zoom. Maybe then pure archers wouldn't dump all their points into health.
Other ideas are welcome.
"Power Shot" and "Bullseye" perks already have similar effects.
Power Shot staggers human sized opponents 50% of the time, and with Bullseye you have 15% chance of paralyzing the hit target.
There are perks that allow you to shoot faster and move faster with bows.
I personally don't even use any perks other than overdraw and critical shot, and I one-shot most weak enemies in sneak mode, while severely injuring the tougher ones. Even so, I can already tell that by not having the perks mentioned above, I am severely gimped in comparison.
Bows are mostly for sniping. Legolas skill is not entirely accurate for the average archer.
Legolas feats are possible, but you need to max archery perks and invest in other skills like light armor for dodge and stamina regen.
Use whirlwind sprint. If there was a shout for archers, that one is it. I can get a total of 40% reduction in Shout recast timers using Talos shrine, and Talos amulet. My five minute recast time on Storm call becomes three minutes, it is insane.