Ah yes you are right, in my defence it's been a while since i played my sneaky character

OK that's given me a right laugh, the game's not even been out for 2 weeks!!!! I am now imagining your ancient sneaky character sitting on his porch chewing some bear claws and complaining about his lumbago, waving his walking stick at any kids who accidentally kick a ball into his yard!

Nah I was hoping those gloves would up my archery sneak bonus, I don't go in for power-builds and have put perks into things for roleplaying purposes because they suit the character I am playing (speech, lockpicking etc) so right now I could do with a bit of extra bonus on the archery sneak damage! I find I am using the sprint key a lot and mentally mapping out all the dark corners that I might need to retreat to as I encounter foes in dungeons