I met remon something or other on the outskirts of skingrad and he tells me that he trains archers to make more money. I'm all about archery being an Elf, however there are no dialogue options to start training. Furthermore the small icon at the bottom of the dialogue options indicating that the character can train you. What's going on?
There are two archery trainers in Skingrad. But they have day jobs. So they can't just drop every thing to train you.
Like most trainers they have schedules.
The basic trainer (up to 40) is Shameer who, according to the wiki, trains from: 6am-11am, 1pm-7pm, 9pm-12am every day
The mid level trainer (up to 70) trains from: 6am-7am, 10pm-12am every day; more on rainy days. I like to catch him first thing in the morning.